lost drabble: conquering an étude (jack/juliet)

May 10, 2010 22:08

Title: conquering an étude
Character(s)/Pairing(s): jack/juliet
Word Count/Rating: 108, pg
Summary: they go places or maybe just go in circles
A/N: Written for the lost_in_108 prompt reflection

David plays Chopin seamlessly. His parents cry in their seats, hands twined together - like they're normal. Like any of this is normal.

There's history there. Give and take. Misnomers and missteps. Birthdays, graduations and funerals. They go places or maybe just go in circles. it's all the same, Juliet would say and Jack would smile.

David plays Chopin, and it puts their lives in perspective. Juliet fumbles with her keys like the nervous teenager. Jack steadies her, hands on hips and asks am i coming in into the back of her neck. It works. She laughs and the tension drains.

They finally make it through the door.

fic: lost, pairing: jack/juliet, character: jack shepherd, character: juliet burke

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