Title: A Cup of Kindness Yet
Rating: PG-13
Characters: John, Team
Warnings: H/C
Author's Note: Written for the
sgahcchallenges '
comment fic exchange.
kriadydragon asked for:
Prompt: Wing!fic
Characters: John, team or one of team
Request: John with wings and John whumped is fine, but what I would really like is John a prisoner in some circus where he is displayed as a freak and abused (extra points if he's thin but not emaciated. I doubt his "owners" would starve him but maybe forget to feed him because they're drunk, or he's so stressed the food isn't doing him any good.) The team or one of the team saving him. He could have amnesia or this could be the first time he and the team/person meet.
Don't want: uber-emaciation, stupid/foolish John, anyone else whumped worse than John. Rape, nudity (though shirtlessness is fine). Humor at John's expense.
The fic can be found towards the middle of the comments on the original prompt. You'll probably see more from me in this universe in the future. :)
There are stars out here - lost somewhere between the flashing Ferris wheel behind him and the striped canvas before him - but he hasn’t come outside for the view.