Title: Insatiable Need
Rating: PG
Challenge: Passion -
samcarter_gen #011
Character: Samantha Carter
Summary: So hand her a hacksaw, because she's leading the pack.
What she is doing feels like stepping over some invisible line drawn long ago, when God said to Adam “Do not eat of the Tree of Knowledge”. What she is doing tastes like the sweetness of a crisp apple, fresh picked off that Tree.
What she is doing… she cannot stop.
Pushing the limits, testing the chains, seeing what lies beyond infinity. It is her nature; it is human nature. And that was fine, when they were confined to the lowly Earth and had only each other to harm, each other to kill.
Now that they have been unleashed upon the stars, though, they may have gone too far.
And she sees it, she recognizes the human race hurtling towards an end because it’s the same thing that happens when an experiment is about to blow up in her face. Samantha Carter knows that the Tree has not been harvested, it has been chopped down and put through the shredder. Their passion for knowing is going to catch up with them, she knows, and soon.
The worst part?
She would not halt it if she could.