who, me? ... ME?!?!

Jan 24, 2006 10:05

Ahhh, my life is still boring. But it's about to get more exciting in a week and a half when I move back to LA! I can't wait. I've enjoyed being home with my parents to a certain extent, but I'm so ready to go back. After being on my own for so long, it's hard to go back to being under their roof for weeks at a time. (Aside from coming home for two weeks in August, I haven't been in CT for more than a weekend since last Christmas.) I know I'll miss my parents when I go back to LA though, so I have to take advantage of the time here. I'm playing lots of Scrabble with my dad, so that's fun (and doing Sudoku puzzles.... ahh, Sudoku...). And I'm still working at the MW every day to make money until I go back to CA. The favorite part of my day is going home to watch 'Six Feet Under' at night-- I'm almost done with season 2 now. I've been renting it disc by disc at Hollywood Video, and I was so pissed when disc four was out for like a week that I rented disc five as a defensive move so the person wouldn't take that one out next and I'd be screwed for another week, haha. Silly video stores. My goal is to finish season four by the time I leave... it's good to have goals in life, right? ;-) Also, there's a new Veronica Mars on Wednesday!! Yes...

And I'm going to Boston this weekend!! I'll go up Friday morning and hang out with my best friend all day, which I am so excited to do. And stay in the dorms... I miss 6 Arlington so much. And I'll hang out with Jon and others during the day on Saturday, then hopefully go to MJ O'Connors with Zetas on Saturday night. Then back to CT on Sunday. I can't wait... I've been looking forward to this for most of break.

And last but not least, the subject of my future employment. I've applied to tons of jobs on-line, and heard back from two, but they want to hire immediately so it wouldn't work for me. I heard back from some people at SoapNet, SoapTalk, etc. but no concrete offers. My old friends at One Life to Live were awesome and set up a meeting with a General Hospital producer for when I go back to LA (I doubt they have anything open now, but hopefully they'll keep me in mind as a temp). And I was offered a part-time job in soaps at ABC Daytime in Burbank, which I am most likely going to take. It's a sweet, sweet job-- it's four hours a day, and I'd watch all three ABC soaps and give my written and verbal feedback on their storylines (particularly the teen storylines). I'd be part of the ABC Daytime college marketing team, and it'd last for three months and pays $10/hour (which ain't bad, considering that three out of four hours would simply be watching soaps, something I tend to do anyway). It's only 20 hours a week, so I'd have to get another part-time job, but I could definitely swing it financially because my apartment is wicked cheap. And the best part is that the start date is Monday, Feb. 6th... and I arrive in LA on Friday, Feb. 3rd. So I would start work right away with no down time to twiddle my thumbs. And since Beth is coming to visit the second week, it'd be perfect because I'd be making money/working part-time and still have time to spend with her so she's not stuck in my apartment all day. It's an awesome situation, and hopefully (if they like me) it would lead to a full-time job somewhere in ABC Daytime at the end of the three months. The only reason I've been hesitant to say yes is because I really wanted something full-time with benefits, but let's face it, that's not the easiest thing to find in soaps. I found out there's still potential for my dream job, but the odds are pretty slim at this point. I applied to be the assistant to the head of CBS Daytime (she oversees four soap operas, plus the Price is Right) and my friend at Young and Restless found out that my resume was in the top ten that she was considering, however they started interviews last week and I still haven't heard from her, so I kinda think it's not going to happen. (I went shopping at the Gap for new clothes last weekend, and everything I tried on I imagined wearing to work as this woman's assistant... I want it so badly!) I'm probably underqualified (since it's an 'Executive Assistant' position and I just graduated from college), but it would be perfect for me and I would be perfect for the job! But alas, the 'soap gods' might not agree. We shall see, but for now I'm most likely going to take the part-time job at ABC Daytime unless I hear about CBS in the next day or two.

So that was a wicked long job update, kudos to you if you read all of that!
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