Oct 19, 2005 20:46
I've come to notice in the past few weeks, that in no movie that i've seen, is there a sex scene with a person in glasses. Sure, there are shots of a 17-something year old not having a damn clue what hes going, and his glasses go crooked, but have you ever seen something like the likes of Taking Lives (first movie that comes to my head) with a guy with glasses? The only reason i can think of why this is true is because directors have no clue whether or not a person takes their glasses off when going to the 'boom boom room'. If anyones seen a movie that actually has some dude in specs getting it on, tell me. I'd actually like to know.
"Alright ramblers, lets get rambling!"
Reservoir Dogs : 10/10
"12:50, press Return"
Pi 9/10