Socialness does not kill -- who knew?

May 02, 2009 11:25

Somehow, I managed to end up with a rather full weekend. Full of something other than homework, though I really do need to start my history paper tomorrow. I figure this stack of books from the library should be used as something other than free paperweights.

Spent time with Akira last was a really interesting time. I finally got some of my questions answered, and I left with even more to think about, but in a good way, not an evil depressing thoughts sort of way. It was actually, really relaxing, and he's a good guy, and I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy being friends with him.

And I have dinfest (creating new vocabulary words is fun!) with Hiyoshi tonight. Then probably some more geometry tutoring, since I have a lot of catch-up understanding to do. I'm hoping I can convince him that it doesn't have to be work for the entire time, though. It probably won't be too hard...we both like fooling around, after all.

I should be productive today, but I'm not going to be. Talking with Akira last's making me want to try and write again. I think I may do that....

I'm not even going to mention Thursday evening, because I think I'd die of embarassment bringing it up! One of these days, I'm going to figure out what it is about Kenya that drives me so crazy...though I think it's that neither of us are looking for more than...friends with benefits, I guess? At least I'm hoping he understands that. Sometimes I wonder if he thinks I want more. I hope not. Actually, it's him and Hiyo both that drive me insane, and I guess it's good that no one seems to want more. Akira seems to think people fall in love here, though. Good god, I hope not.

private, friends, social life, music

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