Jun 05, 2005 11:29
Wow, that has GOT to be the most exhausting show I've ever done. I had 9 fucking costume changes>
Footloose>Concert Choir>Broken>Jazz Choir>Britney Spears>Jazz Choir>Groovy>Solo>Jazz Choir. Basically every 5-10 mintues or so I had to change. Over like 2 hours.
At one point I was so exhausted from the hours of dancing we'd done earlier in the day and the CONSTANT dancing/running/changing/adrenaline that I was like shaking before Groovy. Anyway, the second half of the concert was really great. The first half....oh my god. Footloose kicked ass I think, concert choir did a really good job (for their standards), but me and James' duet went pretty fucking horribly because he had his guitar up super fucking loud and was playing and singing like crap (my guesss is that he was nervous, when we rehearsed it it was perfectly balanced and sounded just fine). So that's all you heard. So for Black Magic they couldn't find the CD so Zinn was just going to play it, and so he started and he played it aggravatingly slow, and then in the middle they turn the fucking CD on, and then he like had us sing the intro again and so none of us knew when to stop. UGH. And more than you know sucked because we changed keys about 4 times. Little Shop was average I guess.
Then the 2nd act totally made up for everything - the girls really cleaned up Me Against the Music I think. And Big City Swing was definetly the best/most energetic we've ever done it. Alex and Rebecca were super cute, and I think my solo went pretty well. I don't get nervouse for stuff anymore! I love it, now my voice doesn't shake. Anyway, Chicago went REALLY well considering we learned it in like 12 hours. I was happy with it.
Oh, I totally didn't cry though and I thought I was going to be bawling. I was at the orchestra one (which was a FABULOUS concert all around btw) and I was when we were doing the yes before the jc pops, but afterwards I was so not in a crying mood. Which I guess was a good thing because my makeup was messed up enough as it was.