fools in office...

Jul 05, 2004 22:51

the government thinks their pretty sly when it comes to war and they think that all the u.s. citizens dont know whats going on but thats wrong b/c there are few of us who follow it quite well really when it comes to war gerorge w. bush does not know what he is talking about he is just a man. a man that doesnt have the right nor the power do really tell us what to do...say...think...or write. livings a right and nobody can take that away not even if their a police officer, a judge, and army official or any other kind of authority figure.the army recruits the sort of person who doesnt have alot of money or who they think just doesnt deserve to live here with us they go to the slums of the u.s. but not the mid class area they wait for those ppl to volunteer themselves for the job...the job to take anothers life from them a job to destroy and reak havok upon others what losers! youn can actually get arrested for saying bad thing about the gov. or the big bad prezz. him self g w. bush ha ha i laugh in his face. he thinks he is the president of war but really the president of nothing. no one.

"War paralyzes your courage and deadens the spirit of true manhood. It degrades and stupefies with the sense that you are not responsible, that 'tis not yours to think and reason why, but to do and die,' like the hundred thousand others doomed like yourself. War means blind obedience, unthinking stupidity, brutish callousness, wanton destruction, and irresponsible murder."

-Alexander Berkman

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