Oct 26, 2007 17:56
Lauren Mehringer's A Series Of Semi-Fortunate Events
1. The Cross Country team (which my brother is on) has a tradition of Pasta Parties on Friday nights at a runner's house. Our family just so happened to be scheduled to host a Pasta Party tonight, Friday, October 26, 2007.
2. My dad got to leave PA earlier than normal, and knew he'd be needing a car when he got home. Usually, Mark and I take seperate cars, but today we'd need to share. He would get the car after school so he could come home and set up for the Pasta Party.
3. I ask Heather for a ride home after rehersal. This was during 2nd hour, which is really early in the day. She says yes. Might I add that we both have terrible memories in the morning?
4. After rehersal, I rummage through my things looking for my keys. Then I remember that I don't have the car today, and that Heather, who has just left the building, is my ride home! I run out the door.
5. Cam randomly asks Heather for a ride home and Heather says yes.
6. Heather pulls out of the parking space and drives over to Hannah Mazzie's car for something. Meanwhile, as I see them back up, I notice that Heather is driving really slow, and isn't exactly moving the car. I run towards them, but then they drive off. I see them stop at Hannah's car, so I run out into the middle of the parking lot so I can catch them at the Exit.
7. Meanwhile, in the car, Cam sees me and goes, "Hey, isn't that Lauren?" and that's when Heather remembered about driving me home. They pick me up and we turn onto Beck Road.
8. We drop Cam off at CVS and I say, "Hey let's check our work schedule for the weekend at Mother's". So we do.
9. When we get there, we find out that Heather actually works at 5 TODAY and it's 4:56!
Our manager was a little upset with us for being awful about our work schedule, but hey, he would've been madder if we hadn't even stopped by. Without events 1 and 2, I wouldn't even need a ride; without event 5, I would've been stranded; without event 7 and 8, Heather would've never known that she had to work today.
So, with the way things are going, something extraordinary is going to happen to Heather at work today, because it just seems like she had to be there tonight. If nothing extraordinary happens (which is REALLY likely) I'll be a little bummed out. It seems like SOMEONE up there was working too hard to get us all in the right spots at the right time!
So good things are happening.
My dad came home with a new ping-pong table last weekend, and it's really brought the family together. With my dad always out of town, we not only lose connection with him, but thre 3 of us at home are doing dad's housework, which is more than we're used to. In a nutshell, we've been at each others' throats lately. So this whole ping pong table thing sounds really lame and weird but we haven't laughed like that in a long time It was nice. :)
Zdebski, our evil pre-calc teacher, has been in a surprisingly good mood lately. We had an easy test recently that EVERYONE finished on time. It was 12 questions instead of 20something multiple part questions. Yay! We've gotten like no homework in that class either, mostly because now that he's actually TEACHING us *gasp, shocking i know* we finish the work in class! Aaaaaand I think I have an A- in there now. :)
Speaking of grades, even though I'm busy as feck (yes, nodge's word. p.s. i miss you buddy!) I am somehow pulling at LEAST a 3.6 GPA, unweighted. (on a 5-point scale, that's a 3.8!) That is REALLY surprising, I thought I was going to get a way lower 3, and that was pushing it. :)
I went to the mall with Brent who I miss and wuv and I got new jeans and new soap from Bath & Body Works (best stuff EVER!!!!) and some tacky 3-way "Best Friends Forever" necklaces from Claire's. Heather get the 3rd piece. :)
I re-discovered my love for DDR and swing dance. Both are amaaaaaaaazingggg :).
The Office and Scrubs are now both on in the same 2 hours on Thursday nights. mega w00t!!!!!! :D!!!!!
Although this kind of stuff has been happening like crazy lately, I still feel kind of detatched. I hate being gone from 6:45 AM to 6:45 PM while running on only a couple hours of sleep. I practically live off caffiene, and by the end of the day I just wanna crash. I'm also really nervous about colleges, I sent in MSU and half of WMU (ooh, still gotta do that!!) and now I'm just waiting for the letter. Hopefully both letters come back in a big envelope... gaah! Musical rehersals are just gonna keep getting longer and eating up more (most) of my weekend. Thank god I love basically everyone in the cast. There's only tiny problems involving drama/cliques, but I'm so not a part of that. I don't understand how certain people just thrive off of that crap. Anyways, everyone's been having a pretty shitty week. I have yet to see someone who's even remotely happy. So here is my word to you: SIEZE THE DAY, FOLKS. Although it would suck to die on such a blah week, it's still possible. Let's hang out sometime soon :).