Jun 29, 2004 18:43
I choke with my own tears,as I sob my anger away
I'm not sad, I'm not depressed, I'm pissed...at life
Not cuz it's unfair
Not cuz it's a bitch
Not cuz it's full of shit
But because it happens, whether u want it or not
And this time...I don't want to
768 hours till we never see face to face again
32 days till everything we went through are just memories
And around a month till everything changes...For bad, for good...who knows?
I don't
All I know how much I'll miss you
and how much I'll cry
All I know is that I'll keep choking with my tears and sobbing my anger away
Because I won't be able to see you again
Shit happens, but it doesn't mean I want it to
And it doesn't mean I'll deal with it the best way possible
Maybe I'm just being selfish...thinking only about myself and how miserable life is gonna be for at least the first days without you...But I can't help it
You've not only been a friend, but you guided me thru times where i couldn't take it anymore, you've been someone who i could talk to, laugh and cry with, and someone who i could share my secrets with...You've been you
No, it's not the end of the world
Even tho it feels like it will be
Cya soon