So, THIS TIME it's Cara. I don't remember all of it, just the part that left an impression on me, let's say it that way.
So anyway. Cara and I are on a boat and we're sailing into Venetian harbour while I'm telling her how I was in Venice that one time and I wasn't impressed by the city but the ladies... oh my. The Venietian ladies are fine. Then Cara asks me, comletely unimpressed as she usually is, what's so special about them and I ramble on and on about whatever until we dock, like I'm sort of an expert or something.
Suddenly, we're inside this grand hall, probably a station of some sort, and there I see Kahlan. And Kahlan is wearing a uniform. Not just any uniform. It's the
Russian Army's full winter dress uniform (sans the hat) and oh my god, be still my heart. Yeah, Cara notices her too and now she cares even less about Venice and it's gorgeous women. But Kahlan is with her mother on what seems to be some sort of very important Confessor business so she doesn't even see us. And then Cara is gone and I'm looking for her so we wouldn't lose sight of Kahlan but I cannot find her and I'm stressing over it in my dream because THEY NEED TO FIND EACH OTHER and fall in love and be together until the end of time!
Yes, I know, I know. I need to get laid.