Seems like my Muse really needs a kick in the ass

Sep 14, 2010 20:31

I started writing this a long time ago; I'd say it was around the start of the second season of LotS. All I got done is this prologue thingy that's been sitting on my desktop for freaking months, and it's starting to irk me a lot. Basically, it was supposed to be a story of young Kahlan in her Confessor training days in Aydindril, before Darken ( Read more... )

fanfic, legend of the seeker

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waterfly89 September 14 2010, 20:44:13 UTC
Lmao, weirdly enough, when I was in Montpellier this summer, I met a GUY named Vivian. :D

Also, MAJOR LOL @ "ticket to Underworld" because my first thought was obviously Underworld the movie and I was thrown into this crazy AU with thousands of POSSIBILITIES I'd rather not even think about because my head will definitely explode.

Good job btw, I'd love to read more. :D Just a tiny detail that caught my eye, hers own fault. Typos are evil. ;)


so_wicked September 16 2010, 09:57:12 UTC
I'll need you to ELABORATE on the Underworld AU because that sounds like something I'd find to be relevant to my interests.

Actually, when I wrote this stuff I put "her own fault" but my text editor kept correcting me so I figured, well, it's a computer, it MUST know English better than I do. So I put "hers own fault" instead.


waterfly89 September 16 2010, 15:49:46 UTC
Why on Earth would a hbic Kahlan in latex be relevant to your interests? *_*

Your text editor obviously isn't very good with foreign languages. Which is actually kind of problematic.


so_wicked September 16 2010, 16:48:56 UTC
Why on Earth would a hbic Kahlan in latex be relevant to your interests?

ZOMG! Ideas in my head!

Well, since the text editor's native tongue IS English... I dunno. I'll just make you my editor, problem solved. :)


waterfly89 September 16 2010, 17:04:14 UTC
Ideas are good. Damn, ideas are EXCELLENT, especially if they're in a fic writer's head. xD *hinthintnudgenudge*

Well, since the text editor's native tongue IS English... I dunno. I'll just make you my editor, problem solved. :)

LOL, probably not the best of ideas. But seriously, I just googled it and there seems to be a lot of results for "hers own" + noun. Which makes me extremely confused since hers shouldn't be followed by a noun. :S Must look into it.


waterfly89 September 16 2010, 17:12:56 UTC
OK, if my googling is correct, "hers own" + noun is used only if you have a phrase like If the user is stupid, it is his/hers own fault that... i.e. only when you're being PC and mentioning both genders when explaining something. But since I'm a geek, I'm going to ask somebody to verify that. :P


so_wicked September 16 2010, 17:16:43 UTC
I love having geeky friends. 'Tis fun! :D


waterfly89 September 16 2010, 18:33:01 UTC
Nije toliko helpful koliko sam se nadala, ali pitah frendicu s anglistike:

Koliko ja vidim, ima primjera guglajuć koji su svi slični, al ih je fakat malo. Tak da bih rekla da je to debilizam koji se, eto, proširio. Jer ak je "his own" i "her own", nema razloga bit "his or hers own" ni pod razno.

No clue re: tekst editor, ja to nikad neb napisala.

Al kopat po gramatici mi se ne da. xD



so_wicked September 16 2010, 20:55:58 UTC
Iz toga proizlazi da su text editori u Wordu ponekad jednostavno debilni, period. A za nas koji ne baratamo engleskom gramatikom iako se volimo praviti da smo pisci... za nas ostaju geeky El Journal prijatelji koji imaju prijatelje koji znaju znanje. Eto. :)


waterfly89 September 16 2010, 20:59:06 UTC
Ako ti sebe svrstavaš pod "ne barata engleskom gramatikom", ja bih voljela tako ne baratati njemačkom ili francuskom gramatikom. :p


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