Stay calm and fangirl on!

Apr 28, 2010 00:24

As I've already said in one of the comments to many of the "No, not the Seeker!" posts, it's devastating for me, as a fangirl, to lose yet another TV show I've invested so much of myself in. It breaks my heart knowing I won't get to see my favorite characters in new adventures. I feel sad and betrayed because, obviously, a whole different set of rules and needs drive the forces that are TPTB than they do the people in the fandom. And I guess that's how the world works.

The Seeker fandom, as many have noticed, is one of the most beautiful and welcoming fandoms one could come across. Wonderful, talented people from all over the world came together every week to laugh, swoon and, generally, have fun. It's how it should be. I might have been (and still am) a very quiet member of the fandom, but the wonderful entertainment I've witnessed made me jump for joy. I'm proud to say I was one of the people who managed to lure in new fans into the fandom and turn them into gleeful fangirls. Not that it was hard work, the whole business of luring in, with all the beautiful scenery, choreography, crack and epic hair that the show offered. Also, intelligent, strong, capable and independent  women you so rarely see on TV. Not to mention, beautiful.

The amount of involvement and interest in the fandom we got from the writers, cast and stunt people simply overwhelmed me, because they didn't treat us simply like viewers, but as the ones who matter as well. The acknowledgement they offered us was, to me, incedibly flattering and rewarding. I thank them dearly for that.

Even though I'm incredibly sad to see Legend of the Seeker go, even though the fight to maybe, maybe get just a little bit of it more has proven to be too loaded with emotion for my frail fangirl heart to bear, one thing surely gives me hope and keeps me from shedding tears. The fandom that will go on. The virtual seasons that will happen. The fun that will continue because there are so many more stories to be told, graphics to be made, picspams to assemble, discussions to be had about our favorite things. And the cleavage. Dear Creator, the cleavage.

I love you all, my Seeker-loving friends. You have truly proven yourself to be the best.

Edit: That bit about me not crying? Well, I failed. And that bit about Seeker fans being the best? Truest words in the history of ever. Proof is right here.

lots, fangirl obsession

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