Fanfic | Legend of the Seeker | Cara/Kahlan | PG- 13

Mar 03, 2010 01:05

Title: Curiosity will kill a cat

Fandom: Legend of the Seeker

Pairing: There's a lot going on, but generally, it's Cara/Kahlan

Rating: PG-13

Words: 3,228

Summary: “So you do have feelings for her.” Lady Chaucer poked Cara in the arm with a teasing finger. “Defending her honor like that.”

Disclaimer: None of the LotS characters are mine. I even renounce the original characters I’ve created.

Warning: The story is not beta read, like it usually isn’t, when it comes to my writing. I haven’t written in so long that I forgot how to write in English. I also strongly doubt this story even has a valid plot. And it has no porn, that’s for sure.

AN: I mixed a little bit of bookverse in with the series- um... ‘verse. I just thought the whole “Let’s bleed the Magic out of the wizard” was an interesting idea. Also, book!Kahlan? Bad ass Mother Confessor to the nth degree. Now, enough talking. Read the story, damnit!

The last time Cara was in Atalia Court, she wasn't quite as welcome.

It was her first time outside the temple as a young Mord’Sith after finishing her training and, on the Lord Rahl’s instruction, she and half a dozen of her sisters went to Atalia Court - then under the reign of Queen Ella - seized her wizard, and brought him in for questioning. She later saw the wizard hanging by his ankles in one of Lord Rahl’s dungeons, his skin stripped off his flesh and his magic bled into a quillion to be used in one of Lord Rahl’s ceremonies and for the benefit of the Keeper.

This time she was greeted like she was royalty herself, with fanfares announcing the arrival of the Mother Confessor, her wizard and the Seeker into the main palace of the Atalia Court. She may have been seen as a mere bodyguard, but it was more than back then when she had to use her Agiel for people to kneel at her feet and show their respect. Atalia Court wasn’t quite majestic as the People’s palace, but it was impressive, even from a far with its strong walls and tall towers decorated with royal banners. Walking slowly through the crowd, Cara observed everything with a keen eye, watching for any sudden moves, anything that could turn this grandiose welcome into a brawl. Her palms itched; she shook her hands loose and then rested them at the hilts of her Agiels.

She knew the meaning of the title of Mother Confessor and the demand of respect that was attached to it, but she never quite saw Kahlan so encompassed in the role, walking with yet unseen dignity, her head held high and her Confessor face in place.  She was the queen at the moment, and it became more than obvious when they arrived at the gate of the palace where Queen Annabelle - Queen Ella’s daughter - and her entourage greeted them. Cara had never seen royalty bow their heads so low or curtsy with more submission before anyone. Cara cocked one eyebrow amusedly and then glanced toward Richard who seemed to be as baffled as she was.

“Raise, my children.” Kahlan said in a calm voice and they all got up but kept their heads slightly bowed in respect of the authority that was Mother Confessor’s presence.

“Welcome to the Atalia Court, Mother Confessor,” Queen Annabelle said, “Please, feel as if at home.”

Suddenly, Kahlan’s Confessor face faded away and there it was, the wide and welcoming smile Cara was much more familiar with. “Queen Annabelle.” Kahlan opened her arms earning a big smile from the monarch. Only a moment later, both Kahlan and Queen Annabelle were giggling like two little girls, holding each other in a tight embrace. “I am home,” Kahlan breathed out against Queen Annabelle’s hair, squeezing her tighter. “It is so good to see you again, my dear friend.”

Richard and Cara exchanged another look, both obviously giving up on reasoning in the most unusual situation. Only Zedd seemed to understand the entire exchange by the look of utter contentment on his face. Cara wasn’t going to be bothered by it.

However, Zedd felt the need to explain it so, later, as they were seated at the big dining table, Richard on her left, Zedd on her right and Kahlan all the way up at the head of the table where the Queen usually sat, Cara found out the history between the Confessor and the young queen.

“They’ve met in Aydindril,” Zedd spoke around a big bite of meat he tore off the shank he now waved in his hand, “while Kahlan was still in training. One would have thought two young girls of their stature would act like ladies - and they usually did - but when they were together it was nothing but skinned knees, broken windows and going to bed without supper.” Richard smiled at the story, while Cara rolled her eyes in exasperation as if she heard Zedd tell it a million times before. She sat back in her chair with arms crossed over her chest and tried her best to ignore the chatter around her. She managed, mostly, and then halfheartedly returned to the food on her plate.

There was, however, a feeling that kept nagging at her, as if somebody was constantly watching her, following her every move. She irritably put the cutlery down and, with a huff, raised her eyes. Carefully, with a flashing glare, Cara inspected everybody at the table and around it to find the one whose interest of her was making her hand twitch toward her Agiel. They all seemed too involved, either in their meal, or in the stories Kahlan seemed so eager to share with everyone. Everyone but one pair of eyes across the table to her left, almost completely obscured by the flower centerpiece and a veil of little dancing candle flames.

Cara remembered seeing the young woman before, when they arrived. She was part of Queen Annabelle’s entourage, one of her ladies-in-waiting. She was too young to remember Cara from her last visit to Atalia Court and it bothered her she felt the unease that anyone would remember. Cara squinted at her across the table, trying to discourage the attention simply by glaring at her. It usually worked, but this time it only seemed to peak the young woman’s interest. Cara tightened her jaw at the revelation.

Later, there was dancing. Queen Annabelle insisted on them to stay and enjoy a little bit of the royal treatment. The weather had turned horrible in the last weeks, so staying indoors where it was dry and warm for a day or two before they returned to their quest, seemed like a good change of plan. To Kahlan and Richard, at least. Also, Zedd didn't seem to mind.

A full ballroom of Atalia Court’s main palace was gleaming with elaborate gowns, jewelry and so many fluttering fans Cara started to feel dizzy. Zedd was still busy with the food, no surprise there, and Richard felt gallant enough to ask Kahlan for a dance. Cara noticed the many endeared tilts of heads at the sight of the Seeker and his Confessor dancing at the royal ball. Cara leaned against the wall at the back of the room, watching the twirling couple with distant eyes. She did, however, manage to briskly bark at an officer of the Royal Guard when he approached her and, with a courteous bow, asked if she’d like to dance.

Cara tried to ignore it, but those insistent eyes were still on her. She glanced to the side from time to time, and from the corner of her eye she noticed the young woman moving closer and closer to her. Next time Cara looked, Queen Annabelle’s lady-in-waiting was tucking something into a valet’s hand while whispering in his ear. She found out what it was all about only a moment later when the same valet came to her side with a piece of paper and a bow.

“From Lady Chaucer, Miss,” he informed her and then disappeared.

Cara took the note and unfolded it. With every word a smile tugged at the corner of her lips a little more, until the very end, where she even tilted her head in amusement and lifted an eyebrow at the text. She folded it back and then tucked it into her belt. When she turned to look for the young woman, she was gone.

“I am going for a walk.” Cara stated flatly at a flushed Confessor. Kahlan used one of the napkins from the table to cool herself off after dancing. She glanced up at the seemingly unimpressed Mord’Sith and smiled. “If you need me I’ll-”

“I’ll be fine.” Kahlan nodded. “Go have your own fun. You deserve it.”

Cara pursed her lips. “Right.”

The sound of the merry music followed her on her walk down the grandiose halls until she found an exit onto a garden patio. A rush of fresh and chilly, but pleasant air brushed over her face when she stepped out. The sky was still cloudy but the rain had stopped. The day was just wrapping itself up and giving way for the night. She stood there for a few minutes simply enjoying the piece and quiet.

Then there was a shuffle behind her; Cara sensed it more than she heard it but she knew for a fact she was no longer alone.

Before she could utter a word, Cara spun and pushed the intruder against a wall, face first. Her Agiel hovered just under the woman’s throat, the magic buzzing eagerly to be unleashed.

“No, no, no! It’s me!” Lady Chaucer wailed at the sight of the Mord’Sith’s sneer and the firm grip her wrists were now in. “It’s me, Miss Cara. Agnes.”

Miss Cara? Cara made a face at the honorific and roughly released the grip she had on the young woman’s hands. Lady Chaucer promptly pulled herself together, first rubbing on her sore wrists to soothe them, and then dusting off the side off her dress.

“I didn’t mean to startle you,” she said.

Cara looked at her mockingly, “You did not startle me.”

“I apologize, regardless.”

“What is it that you want from me, anyway?”

“You’ve received my note?” Lady Chaucer tilted her eyes away from Cara’s and, Cara could tell even in the dimming light, blushed wildly.

The Mord’Sith smiled at the sight and lifted her chin, “Yes, I have.”

“Then you know.”

Cara took the time to considered Lady Chaucer, from the tip of her shoe peeking from under the hem of her dress to the sparkling tiara tucked into her perfectly curled hair. She let her eyes deliberately linger over the young woman’s neckline a few moments too long, enough to be considered insolent, and deepen the blush on her face. Cara got somewhat unnerved by Lady Chaucer’s features when she noticed the strangely familiar curve of the lips, the eyes that seemed coy but were surely hiding a roaring flame deep underneath, the sprinkle of freckles almost completely hidden from the view by gentle cover with face powder, and the hair, jet black and shiny, masterfully curled and lifted so it would reveal her milky shoulders and a long, smooth neck.

“I’m a little puzzled, Lady Chaucer-”

“Agnes, please.”

“Agnes.” Cara repeated with a hiss and a smile that was quickly turning into a leer. She circled around her taking in the sight. She was going to enjoy this so much. The poor girl had no idea. “Why does a lady of your standing send notes to a woman of my notoriety, and such bold notes at that?”

Lady Chaucer swallowed. She was nervous even though she was trying very hard to conceal that fact. “I saw you with the Mother Confessor earlier. I know you are a Mord’Sith. But you are like no other Mord’Sith I've ever seen.”


“Well, I haven’t really met any Mord’Sith before, but I’ve heard of you. And I was left intrigued.”

Cara took a step forward, making Lady Chaucer take one back, and then another and another until the young woman’s back was against the wall and Cara’s face only and inch from hers.

“Tell me, Agnes, what have you heard?”

She tried to straighten up and look Cara right in the eyes. She managed, but only just. “I’ve heard that the Mord’Sith are fierce. Ruthless. Fearless. Relentless. Proud.” She swallowed once more, “Beautiful.”

“And I don’t seem like any of those things?”

“Oh, you do. You really do. That’s why I am so intrigued.” Cara encouraged her to elaborate with a tilt of her head. “But your mistress-”

“Kahlan is not my mistress!”

“The Mother Confessor,” Lady Chaucer corrected herself, “is a very unlikely company for a Mord’Sith, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Go on.”

“Especially with the known fact of what happens to a Mord’Sith when she is confessed.” Cara squinted at the young woman, missing her point. “I’ve seen the way you look at her,” she explained, “Or am I assuming too much?” By the way Cara’s eyes momentarily twitched to the side, Lady Chaucer knew she assumed exactly right. This gave her new boldness and she finally managed to stand straight up, almost over Cara’s height, and return a smirk Cara held monopoly over from the very start.

“You know the stories, about her and Queen Annabelle?” Lady Chaucer leaned toward Cara with an impish glint in her eyes. “All true.” Cara took in a deep breath and sized up the young socialite. “Of course, Queen Ella would have none of it so she pulled young Annabelle out of Aydindril.”

“For being friends with a Confessor?”

“For being lovers with one.”

Cara snorted at Lady Chaucer’s statement. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.”

“The gossip goes so far to assume Queen Annabelle was, at some point, confessed and that’s why she is so devoted to Kahlan Amnell. Of course, she was under strict instruction from her mistress not to be public about her attachment to the Mother Confessor.” Lady Chaucer smiled cheekily. “Could you imagine the scandal?”

“I can imagine you having too much time on your hands for listening, believing and spreading such obvious lies.”

“So you do have feelings for her.” Lady Chaucer poked Cara in the arm with a teasing finger. “Defending her honor like that.”

Cara tightened her jaw, trying to calm her impulse to simply deliver an open palmed slap to one of Lady Chaucer’s cheeks. Instead, she squeezed out through her teeth, “Is there a point to all of this? Since I read the note, I was under impression you were offering me something.”

“What happened to your braid?” Lady Chaucer extended her arm to touch Cara’s hair. Before her fingers could reach, Cara caught her wrist and twisted it. “Ow!”

“The same is going to happen to your hand if you dare to touch me again without me telling you to do so.”

Lady Chaucer pulled her hand back and gave Cara an insulted glare. “Obviously, I seem to have forgotten ‘discourteous’ as one of the attributes attached to the Mord’Sith. Should I call you ‘mistress’ then, too?”

“What you should do, Agnes,” Cara bared her teeth and pushed the young woman’s back against the wall again, “is either stop boring me or shut your pretty little mouth and take your clothes off.”

“Right,” Lady Chaucer cleared her throat, “Somewhere more private, then?”

Cara still glared at her. She extended her arm toward the patio door. “After you.”

The only light in the room came from the rich fire blazing in the hearth but it was more than enough for Cara to notice the extravagancy of the royal bedchamber Lady Chaucer showed her into. The big canopy bed looked like a playground big enough for what Cara had in mind. She stood in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips while Lady Chaucer shuffled around the room taking off her tiara and kicking off her shoes.

“Would you be kind enough to help me with this?” Lady Chaucer turned her back to Cara, glancing over her shoulder to point at the strings of her bodice. Cara clicked her tongue but complied. While she was busy with the laces, Lady Chaucer took the pins out of her hair making it fall freely over her shoulders and back in one smooth wave of black silk. Cara tightened her jaw and pulled on the laces more urgently.

“I don’t remind you too much of her, do I?” Lady Chaucer purred teasingly over her shoulder. “I may not be as striking as the Mother Confessor, but in this lighting,” she turned around to face Cara and let go of the dress which then swooshed quickly to the floor, revealing the smooth perfection of milky white skin. “I come pretty close, don’t I?”

“Not in a million years.” Cara whispered and then pushed Lady Chaucer unceremoniously, making her land against the covers, on her back.

“Aren’t you going to take your leathers off?” Lady Chaucer climbed higher up on the bed as Cara crawled over her.

“I was under impression you wanted a full experience of a Mord’Sith in your bed.” Cara smirked evilly. “You’re about to get it.”

The horse neighed discontentedly at the way Cara handled the saddle strap. She shushed him and then pulled on it tighter.

“You could have let the stable boy do that for you,” Kahlan’s voice came from behind her, “and spoil yourself with a few longer moments of sleep.”

“Nobody touches my horse but me,” Cara grumbled. “Their incompetence to handle the task of saddling a horse properly is visible by a league.”

Kahlan smiled at her and then patted her on the shoulder with a yawn.

“Where is Richard?”

“He and Zedd are still saying their goodbyes.” Kahlan patted her mare’s neck affectionately and then wished her a good morning. “They will be ready to leave in just a moment.” And then, “Where have you disappeared to last night? You’ve missed the entire ball.” She leaned over to bump her shoulder against Cara’s, “General Ryan was devastated you turned him down.” She smiled widely at Cara’s scoff. “Also the-” Kahlan’s smile disappeared in a second. She grabbed on Cara’s lapel and pushed it aside. Cara almost growled at the intrusion, but Kahlan didn’t seem to notice. “What happened to you?” She traced a finger along the nasty looking purple mark just under Cara’s collarbone.

The little wench bit me. Cara gently slapped Kahlan’s hand away. “Nothing that’ll kill me,” she waved it off.

They packed the rest of their things in silence and then Cara stopped, bit her lip, urged herself on or tried to discourage herself from the impending foolishness, she wasn’t sure, and then spun on her heals, face to face with Kahlan.

“Is it true?” She couldn’t believe she was actually standing there, asking that question, “About you and Queen Annabelle?”

Kahlan was taken aback, Cara could tell. Her eyes darkened and her mouth opened but there were no words coming out. At last Kahlan swallowed and closed her eyes for a second. “Which story?” She asked, now looking defiantly into Cara’s eyes, “The one about us being lovers, or the one about me confessing her?”


“I loved her, but we were only friends. She only saw me as a friend. I would never-” And there Kahlan’s voice broke a little. She shook her head to put off the tears. “You wouldn’t understand.”

Kahlan turned away from her, preparing to mount her mare when a hand on her belt yanked her back down. Cara will later scream at herself, her foolishness and this retched weakness that was turning her into something she was brought up to despise and punish, but in that moment, no other thought could be created in her head. She turned Kahlan to face her, slowly, and then, as gently as she possibly could, cupped her face and leaned in to kiss her.

Left speechless - and Cara thanked the spirits for that - Kahlan just stood there, her face cradled in Cara's palm. “I understand perfectly, now,” she said only a moment before Zedd and Richard burst noisily through the doors of the barn.

The End

fanfic, lots

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