Oh noes!

Mar 06, 2009 18:52

The gods have shown some mercy and granted me the wish of getting to watch Angel of Death after all. But the evil fangirl in me wouldn’t leave this thing alone. I couldn’t just sit back and enjoy the glorious ass kicking, the marvelous bad assness of the leading lady or the immense sexiness of her Kiwi accent (is it just me or no matter how ‘silly’ the pronunciation of some words sound to my American accent accustomed ears, I still find the bloody accent so freaking hot I’d do a lot of crazy shit just to keep on hearing it?). No, I had to give in to my evil side and start the game of Who could we slash Eve with, hmm?

It’s distracting, I gotta tell you, when you’re trying to focus on the round kicks, growled cussing and fuck-me-those-are-some-awesome-motherfracking-abs-she’s-got-there!

It all culminated now, not half an hour ago, after I saw episode 5. I sat down for dinner and, while I was pouring Bolognese sauce over my spaghetti, I started counting off.

Alice. I should slash her with Alice. Dude, yes!

No! Beatrix Kiddo. Boom! Totally her.



How about this awesome women in leather with swords, riding horses into a battle type of thing… like, Xena? Whoa, that would be an even awesomer fic than Kill Bill crossover!

But hey!


Isn’t The Lawless supposed to guest star in the episode 6 AS EVE’S NEIGHBOUR WHO TOTALLY TAKES CARE OF HER AND JUST TRIES TO KEEP HER OUT OF JAIL, MISSY?!!!!1!!1


I seriously need to get a fucking life. This is totally not healthy anymore. I mean, seriously.

i'm an idiot, zoë bell, fangirl obsession

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