Interestingly enough, I had a dream about one cele-blogger last night.
Ms. Snarker, to be exact. How and why, I have no idea. Could it be the consummation of too much loud music? Or too much beer? Or maybe the (3) Red Bull vodkas I drank as start-me-ups earlier that evening? Either way, I dreamed of Ms. Snarker and, boy, 'twas nice. I don't know her, of her or about her, besides the pure brilliantness of her writing and her mad snark skillz. But there she was in my dream and we were getting muy cozy in her bed. For the record, she seduced me. I was happy enough on my little side of the bed until she became touchy-feely. Then I just became super happy. So after the said coziness, next morning she drove me to Grand Central Station (even though I’m fairly sure she lives nowhere near NY, but hey, it’s a dream so whatever) where we hung around waiting for my train to arrive (again, how do you get from the US to Croatia by train remains a mystery to me). There was some more, public place appropriate coziness shared until this horrible, tragic accident happened right in front of our eyes (I do not care to describe it because, seriously, it was absolutely disturbing) and my dream was abruptly ended.
So there. Aren’t you glad I shared?