I wanted to do a real update but then the plan changed.

Jul 09, 2008 12:06

What I love about the Interwebs is that you can find the best stuff when you're not looking for them.

Scrolling down my flist, lurking around other people's blogs, I noticed thrace_'s mention of Jill Wagner. Pardon moi, I have no idea who the lady is, but for the sake of further education (a person learns as long as the person lives), I Googled her.

And boom. Score. Bwahahaha.

Thank you, thrace_. And thank whomever it was that invented a shotgun, a tank top and hot pants (with chain link accessory attached to it). The biggest thanks goes to whomever it was that thought it would be a good idea to combine those three with a gorgeous woman.

I believe Linda Hamilton was the first woman to rock the shotgun the way it is done today by our favorite ladies? She’s a pioneer. A big thanks to her as well.

flist, i'm an idiot, shotgun, pretty pictures

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