Cue: fangirl lament

Jun 15, 2008 19:27

I just watched Kiss Of Death and all I can say about it are two things. First, it's BBC production, which means it's brutal, colorful and, as Ozians might say, confusifying. But that's just how British film their stuff. It's completely different from US production and it makes for a nice change. But still, it doesn't change the fact that I was all WTF?! at the end of it. And second: Louise. My god, Louise. I can't even count how many times I freeze framed on her while I was watching. My heart and soul ached how much Kay Rousseu reminded me of Sofia Curtis' character in ABRTI. I wanted to shout: Sofia! WE LOVE YOU! Come back to CSI, Sofia, it's not the same without you. Please, please, please with a cherry on top! But I didn't. I just suffered in silence and drowned myself in those pretty blue eyes of hers. And that cowboy walk. And her voice/accent. And the glorious dykiness that woman exudes. Waaaah!

*runs off to watch CSI from the good old days*

louise lombard, curtis, fangirl obsession

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