The story goes:
You all probably know my undying love for Benson. And Curtis. And Boxer. And, well, pretty much any woman who knows how to handle a gun and looks mighty fine while doing it (and so I wouldn't seem completely shallow, add to that: is smart, compassionate, strong and, very possibly, slightly damaged).
Maxi (the chocolate flavored German, as I like to call her) recently did a very honorable thing and sent me a package containing Criminal Minds episodes, seasons 2 and 3 (the important ones), in attempt to fuel yet another fangirl obsession which would then result in abundance of fabulous femslashy goodness that is JJ/Emily fic.
What Maxi hadn’t counted on (nor have I, in my wildest dreams, expected it to get in the way) is the fact that my Muse is - as it turns out - bi-curious (and not in a fun, Liz Lemon’s shoes way). Forsaking the holy mission I was sent on and completely missing the point of international exchange of illegal material via post office snail mail, my Muse fell madly in love with agent Morgan. Who is a man. You cannot write a femslash fanfic story, I told her, if your pairing is Morgan/JJ. She pretended not to hear me and continued staring dreamily at the screen, imagining all the ways she could make the two engage in a very heterosexual, very unprofessional, very ick!, relationship. I pointed at the screen, saying, Look! Look at Prentiss! Look at that belt, look how low her pants are! Look how good she looks in a suit. Look how hot she is with a gun. But noooo, agent Morgan enchanted my Muse. And when she saw
this photo of Mr. Moore, I thought I’ve lost her forever.
Maxi yelled at me for allowing this to happen. Do you know how intimidating German women can be when they get mad? It is not pretty. Sexy, yes. Actually, it’s plenty sexy…
Anyway, until further notice, to try and remedy this situation before it gets out of hand, I am making
Women in Kevlar my home page and putting
this photo
up on my desktop to prevent the Muse from getting any more funny ideas.