Help wanted. NEEDED! Desperately.

Dec 14, 2007 17:27

I love kids. They are so adorable. That's why agreed to baby-sit two little girls, aged 3 and 4, for this single mom who lives in my neighborhood. I still love kids. I just think they are terrorists now instead of adorable. But extra money is always welcome so I have to endure the torture until further notice.

Therefore, I need fics. And you know what I love so don't pretend like you have no idea what I'm talking about. Current fav? WMC. Run with it. Always welcome: CSI and SVU. All three? The smuttier the better.

Summary: Single white lesbian babysitting at war with two kids and they are winning. Help a girl out, will ya? I'm counting on you.

omg help!, i'm an idiot, random

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