It’s hard to take breath these days. Why should I even bother to continue to live anyway? If it wasn’t for the body’s ability to take in breath by itself I guess I would have given up by now. I move slowly these days, and you can tell from the lack of Journals that I very rarely bother turning on the computer. Or more so, turning myself on to sit here and type, but hey, as you all know, this is a place to pour. This is a place to open and gush, it just takes a real steel to do it for me. I guess I should talk about myself again, or maybe the war. But what am I suppose to say? I live in Texas. Yep, and here, we not only love our country, we love our President, no matter what he says, does, or chokes on. Dammit, I even read that I can’t order French Fries anymore. Not that I would eat them, but what’s next? That guy from 3rd rock form the sun, are we supposed to call him
Freedom Stewart now? I don’t support this war. I don’t support the lies. I don’t support much these days. It’s hard when you’re friends disagree. I was at this place Saturday night having some drinks, and this hick in a cowboy hat comes through the door, and starts handing out fliers for a “Liberate Iraq” thing that is supposed to happen at UTA. I would scan it if I had a scanner. But I was so pissed at this man. Doesn’t he understand that the USA isn’t there to liberate an oppressed people, no, we are there to liberate the Oil, and hopefully kill the population so that we can just move in. Enough about war. I am experiencing my own war. I am sick of this crap. I need something else to talk about. Oh and not boys. Don’t get me started on boys. I have a long long story to tell you guys about that… but enough about that. How are you guys?