A Knock at the Door - 2012 Calendar
++ NO re-posting MY LINK at/in other places, you can re-upload, but don't LEECH!
++ Credit
3kame or
so_turtley for the scans if you use it.
++ Anything else? ASK me~
When was the last time you had a conversation with the moon?
Take your hopes and dreams into the field of night.
Whisper them into the ear of darkness, then listen to the moonbeams.
They whisper back, sighing, "Shine. Shine."
When was the last time you listened to the lullaby of soul?
In the tender, raw places, in the barren and grieving spaces, there is medicine. Be still. And in your stillness, listen.
The soul sings inside the silence, its music a hymn to the gentlest grace. Listen to the lullaby.
It is balm for the heart, ease for the mind. Like the sages say: "True medicine is found within the wound."
When was the last time you took a leap of faith into the wild unknown?
One little apostrophe separated IMPOSSIBLE from I'M POSSIBLE.
Take that tiny, giant leap.
When was the last time you lived your legend?
When we view the events of our lives with curiosity and wonder, we realize that
life is the sweetest of all fairy tales, for "Once Upon a Time" is really here and now.
When was the last time you let your dreams carry you?
Dreams are often crushed by the weight of reality. Yet when we let them fly free,
they carry us into a land of infinite possibility. Imagine boldly, create passionately,
then let go. This is the way dreams become reality.
When was the last time you led a joy parade?
Name your blessings. Chant your miracles. March to the rhythm of your joy.
When it comes to living happily, there is only one rule:
follow your bliss and it will follow you.
When was the last time you surrendered to trust?
George Eliot said, :No soul is desolate as long as there is someone for whom
it can feel trust and reverence." Unlikely friendships and beautiful connections
are made when we choose trust over doubt and love over fear.
When was the last time you turned wishes into wings?
When we release the baggage of suffering, our pain morphs into
acceptance, hope and the soft wings of love. All of Nature holds us gently.
Even the trees rustle their leaves whispering, "It's okay to let go."
When was the last time you danced like a dervish?
Dance is movement infused with magic and medicine. As Rumi once said, "Dance when
you're broken open. Dance if you're torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle
of the lightning. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free."
When was the last time you got lost in the wild woods of your imagination?
As Tolkien said, "Not all those who wander are lost." But only those who
wander through the lost woods of imagination have the hope of truly being found.
When was the last time you basked in stillness?
In the cacophony of our wold, our hearts - and the very earth itself -
cry out for us to remember he soul's song. "Be still and know that All Is God."
When was the last time you opened the door to magic?
The land of soul - an infinite garden of unbridled magic - is guarded by the door of
the heart. In every situation, every breath, we decide whether to open or close the door.
Say yes to love. Say yes to inspiration... and the door springs wide open.
This is a link for the super hi-resolution PNG version of the scans, straight off the scanner and only edited to flip the images. It's about 55MB in size for all 12 images zipped up.