survey poaching on myspace bulletin boards.

Aug 16, 2009 23:39

it's been a hot minute since i've done one of these. i know i used to do TONS of them, like an obsessive amount, back like two years ago and i always got them from kaylin somehow, though i'm not sure if it was on myspace or livejournal.
anyway, this one i stole from the bulletin board on myspace, from kaylin.
facebook should have a bulletin board. but i guess it makes up for it with the news feed. which i hate. fucking facebook.
this is DEFINITELY what i should be doing right now.

Think back to 9th grade.
If you're IN 9th grade, don't do this, it will ruin the fun.

-Let's see how much you remember

-Who was your best friend?
samantha rose maddox.

- Did you have a crush on anyone?
oh boy. matthew pyeatt, nathan gamez, ryan dicarlo, cory hart (not the singer) and this kid named vince

- What sport did you play?
cross country and track

-Did you skip classes?
psh i wasn't that much of a badass. definitely lived in texas as well, where teachers roam the halls armed with cattle prods during times when little chilluns should be in class.

- What was your favorite class?
my FFA class for sure! holy shit, that teacher hated me because i was always too lazy to stand up for the pledge. bahaha.

- What was your school's name?
cy-fair high school

-If you could go back would you?
hm. yes. i had a rockin' body and i somehow managed to go to school, run daily, and work my horse every afternoon. and i had the best friends i've ever had.

-Where did you sit at lunch?
the cafeteria?

-Was there a smoking lounge?
whaaat? nooo...

-Who was your science teacher 9th grade year?
oh fuck. i totally don't remember her name but i see her face clear as day. she had really crazy blonde hair and she loved me but she was fairly psychotic. great minds?

-Who was your English teacher?
first it was mrs. munro when i was in the smart kid class, but i was quickly demoted from that status after the first report cards came out, so then it was the football coach. mr. hicks. i hate him to this day.

-School Mascot?

-Describe your outfits in 9th grade:
oh boy. etnies, tight jeans, tight fitting, colorful little shirts that didn't quite cover all of my stomach with some sort of snarky saying on the front, and my boyfriend at the time's banger beads. i also became a huge fan of random thrift shop t shirts at this point in my life.

-Where did you work?
i trained horses and nannied for the woman who owned the barn that i worked at.

Did you even have a cell phone?
hellzzz yes. i got 100 minutes per month for emergency calls only.

-What's your most memorable moment?
too many... skanks, crime fighters, horse shows, ravensway antics, eating jalapeno peppers off the vine by accident with sam and running around shoving bread into our mouths trying to fix the irreparable damage done to our tongues.

-Did you make any lifelong friendships?
as a matter of fact, yes. probably the single most important year in my life.

-Got invited to any proms?
eh. no. i got invited to homecoming though!

-How many years ago was this for you to remember back to?
going on seven... wow.
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