3 months old!

May 10, 2007 00:31

Thought I'd post a few new pictures of my precious munchkin! He cracks me up more and more every day!

Tummy Time!

"I could stare at my fist ALL day!"

Charlie always jokes that Christian is going to save him lots of money since he doesn't need any toys...his fist will always be around to entertain him. I tell my Christian that his daddy is a big cheapo! ;P

Me & Christian out for a stroll on a beautiful sunny day. : )


Everywhere I go, people keep telling me how small Christian is. : ( I know he's on the small side...but I know he'll catch up soon enough. He's probably just over 12 lbs now...but I'll find out for sure tomorrow when I go to weigh him at the breastfeeding clinic. At the mall today, another woman was carrying her baby in a bjorn and I could tell he was a newbie. When I asked how old he was...she said he was 7 weeks old...and I swear, he looked almost as big as Christian! She made me feel better though b/c she said he was born almost 9 lbs. Wow...big baby!

I still can't complain about anything...he's sleeping better than ever at night. He's been going on average 8.5-9 hours now. His record was beaten the other night when he was put down at 10:30pm and didn't wake me up until 8am!!! When I heard him wimper, I almost freaked out when I saw that it was 8am! But as soon as I came into his nursery, he greeted me with a big gummy smile. : )


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