May 03, 2005 00:01
Lately I have been wanting to keep a journal, like a paper one. And first I want to backdate all of these journals into it, and then just start writing down all the shit that goes through my head. Not just like actual events, but epiphanies, and day dreams and shit like that. But I don't know, it's seems sort of tedious and daunting, so I don't know if I will be taking on that venture anytime soon, plus I would have go out and get one of those speckled black and white composition books, and I am not looking for such long term commitment.
Harmony Korine's book is a large inspiration, that book is really good, but really fucked up. I used to scoff at Austin for his fascination with the man, but he is pretty cool. A blatant and unapologetic rascist, but you take the good with the bad I guess.
Also, the new Life In Pictures is mind blowing. For reals though, it's just anyday before those guys break. I seriously believe that. If only I could have got a copy of the End on End split, I project in three months I would be and E-bay millionaire. But back to their levels of rockness, damn the new stuff is really, really good. It even has like METAL solos, and somehow remains relevant,, just plain cool.
Wonder Showzen is tight too. nuff said. yo
I think I might be getting another job at SBUX, but it would suck because it would be at four thirty! which is currently the average time I have been getting to bed.