i can dig it.

May 25, 2009 23:31

easy with the bzuhfaces, guys, can't have me fallin too hard too fast.
(why aren't there better screenshots online by now?)

lost in the firsts: i was thrilled to see john cho's first badass action scene. pilot on the uss enterprise who will cut you down with a sword = tasty. every time pegg smirked into frame felt as refreshing as the first. i almost wish he'd shown up sooner. i have seen karl urban in loads of shitty and not so shitty fantasy/scifi movies, but this may be the first role he's played that i like. and for once, i didn't mind jj abrams' closeups - which threaten to induce seizure on a forgiving day - even viewed for two hours from the second row of the liable-to-break-your-fucking-neck front section of the theatre. going in, i expected to enjoy STAR TREK, but i am thoroughly surprised by how much i loved it. a whole month since the movie's release, so most of the kids who saw it with me likely knew less about the star trek universe than i do, yet my theatre filled with applause at credits.

my favorite part's gotta be the two minutes that sulu&kirk hurtle through the air toward vulcan, gripping each other, while chekov runs to the transport room in giddy skids, a half-grin sliding precariously on and off his face. "i can do zat, i can do zat," gahh i don't know what it is about russian accents that does it for me, but combine it with the boyish excitement in face of imminent disaster and wooo. he treats the situation with more calm than i could show playing a round of tetris. you know what else? i can't look at that face and not remember the unbelievably perfect, the incandescent charlie bartlett.

come to think, maybe it has nothing to do with the accent, and everything to do with the 'fro

oh btw, shout out to the scifi/doc cameos, dr. beckett, cameron! nice to see all these familiar faces from tv get some screen time.
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