Apr 29, 2005 15:44
woo 5 days since i updated
last night me adn my momma went to khols..becuase we can...and i got a dress and a new shirt and a new pair of sorts (cause i lost my p.e. shorts last month) anyway after that we went to wendy's so i could get food even tho we just ate dinner at home. i got a frosty and a fruit cup...yum yum yum! we were really hyper so we went on a "tour of mahomet" of you will and we drove all over the effin place. it was pretty sweet
oh adn yesterday i totally jammed my finger durring ultimate frisbee! that is the best game ever invented! if there was a team at our school i would totally be on it! schaweet!
hmm lets see tomorrow i am going to coach hay's game so if u wanna go with lemme know! :) speaking of that i need to go get my check and a plan t-shirt to rock for hayhay's last game..
peace out
make lots of love, not war