(no subject)

May 16, 2005 20:42

People NEED to stop
picking on crew...
1. no one on crew
disses soccer or any
other sport why the
hell are you dissing
2. we didnt do any-
thing to you.
"The athlete's anerobic threshold, the point at which the body's muscles have exhausted their oxygen store and start burning other fuel. For regular folks, reaching that threshold is quitting time; anaerobic work is 19 times harder than aerobic work. But rowing is all about harder. Elite rowers fire off the start at sprint speed -- 53 strokes per minute. With 95 pounds of force on the blade end, each stroke is a weightlifter's power clean. Rowers cross their anaerobic threshold with that first stroke. Then there are 225 more to the finish line." -- ESPN Magazine, May 2000

"Marathon runners talk about hitting 'the wall' at the twenty-third mile of the race. What rowers confront isn't a wall; it's a hole - an abyss of pain, which opens up in the second minute of the race. Large needles are being driven into your thigh muscles, while your forearms seem to be splitting. Then the pain becomes confused and disorganized, not like the windedness of the runner or the leg burn of the biker but an all-over, savage unpleasantness. As you pass the five-hundred-meter mark, with three-quarters of the race still to row, you realize with dread that you are not going to make it to the finish, but at the same time the idea of letting your teammates down by not rowing your hardest is unthinkable...Therefore, you are going to die. Welcome to this life." -- Ashleigh Teitel

i dont know how much
more proof we can get
anyone who doesnt think
crew is a tough sport,
because weve gotten it
all. and as for coxswains
we do everything with our
rowers besides row. and
besides rowing. we do ALOT.
how bout next time. you try
to row a boat or cox a race,
before you open your mouths.
...so get a life. k thanks.
*oh and thanks to everyone
that understands all that
rowers and coxswains do<3
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