Mar 22, 2006 23:18
i haven't updated in forever...
well, i finally figured out how conservative i am in my criminal justice class last week. our book is a little outlandish in the sense that everything in it is biased liberal crazy talk and one point that really got me going was the comparison of the US police force to the third reich. it just so happened i had a term paper due within the week and i based my paper off of the political bias of our education system and the hilarious comparison of our men in badges to the nazis. the main argument was the 'racism' among police officers towards minorities (which merited plenty of class discussion, most of holocaust came from minorities and in most cases WERE actually breaking the law when they were 'being abused by the system') and how the place makes the criminal. i spoke about the good police do and every time you use what the nazis did as an argument, it takes THAT much away from how horrible the holocaust was. one of my arguments was the cop killer song by Ice T (i guess i do share some views with Jack Thompson) and how a song of that nature would be at the very least unsettling for any other profession. what if i made a song called BK killers and in the lyrics i stated i wanted to kill every burger king employee in america because I'm fat and white? would the employees of BK feel safe at night? i wouldn't think so, and why should the police? in the game 25 to life, you actually get points for killing police officers... something I'm really not in favor of. i think my teacher dislikes me for my views, and she's entitled to, but i recieved a 13 out of 25 on my paper because she i was too biased. too bad she wasn't correcting the authors of the text when they were in revisions. i almost have to whisper that i'm conservative, because of all the dirty looks i recieve. i really don't like Flint.
it took me some time, but i think i finally get where Mr. Thompson is coming from. the way he's going about it is wrong, but, some things should be unacceptable.
other than that, aaron joined the army and is down in meps tonight. mad props to him. i don't tell him enough of how proud i am of him.
also, i got a few e-mails from ffj, and to answer any questions you might have:
No, i am not affiliated in any way shape or form to pixelante nation, never have, never will be.
well, goodnight everybody.