Nov 08, 2006 19:29
*i am patiently waiting for 4 oclock so i can go to stupid textiles lab.
*my 2:00-3:15 got cancelled so i have a load of time to kill.
*my 5:30-6:45 (africa class) is so far away, i dont think i can make it.
*my africa paper is 9 pages long, im so cool. or as brian would probably say the biggest nerd he knows.
*the left side of my neck hurts, causing my throat to hurt? perhaps they are unrelated.
*im buying a snowboard setup soon. now i can make pathetic attempts to go snowboarding with my boyfriend.
*why is it so unacceptable to eat in the library. i mean if im not touching the books what is a soft pretzal going to do. i know this rule is probably just for slobs because most people are slobs and would leave a huge mess but im annoyed anyway. i really want to eat the pretzal in my purse.
and last but not least,