Mr James Potter
The Clouds (I think)
Dear Sir,
My name is Colin Creevey and I’m eleven years old.
I have just started school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and I am writing to you because your son is the COOLEST person I’ve ever met! I hope I got the address right because I’ve never written to anyone who’s you know, dead, before but my new friend Andrew said the school owls can deliver letters to almost anywhere! I hope they can fly high enough to get to you! Do you really live in the clouds? Are there Care Bears there too? My cousin says the Care Bears live in the clouds but my mum says they don’t exist because their for girls! I asked her if Action Man lives there instead but she wouldn’t tell me! I don’t think she knows! Does he live there too?
Everyone at school talks about Harry because he’s brilliant and has the most brilliant scar like lightning on his forehead that I didn’t believe was true until I saw it! I have a scar on my forehead too but it’s very boring and not brilliant at all and I got it when I ran into dad’s camera because I wanted to take a picture of ducks doing rude things because they looked funny! I had to have six stitches! There was loads of blood and it was SO brilliant! But Harrys scar is the coolest scar EVER! When I found out how he got it I thought it was really SCARY and COOL, but the bad things made me a bit sad because it’s really unfair that you and Harry’s mum had to, you know, for him to get it even if it IS brilliant. And I found out all about you as well because if Harry is brilliant, then you must be as well because you’re his dad and everything! Even if you ARE you know, the D WORD! And I wanted to write to you because I wanted to tell you how cool Harry is! Although you probably already knew that! Can you see people up there? It would be really cool if you could watch him all the time so you could see how brilliant he is, but not, you know all the time! Because if you could then youd have to watch him in the bathroom and stuff and you probably wouldn’t want to do that!
Harry plays Quidditch for the Gryffindor team(who are the COOLEST!) and although I only just learned about Quidditch it’s still the BEST thing EVER! I still can’t believe wizards really fly on BROOMSTICKS! My dad bought me a camera for my birthday and I’ve taken loads and loads of pictures of Harry already and I can send you some if you want because if you haven’t seen him then you should see how cool he is! I have lots of ones from Quidditch practice so you can see his broom and everything and my friends taught me how to make them MOVE so you can see him FLY! Isn’t being a wizard BRILLIANT?!
I dont know if you can reply because you might not have hands but if you do have hands then I live in Gryffindor Tower (with HARRY!) at Hogwarts and if you don’t have hands then I’ll send some photos anyway!