You’ll NEVER guess what happened!
I DID! You know Susan? The girl with the owls?! HER!!! It was BRILLIANT! Well, she kissed me first really! How cool is that?! I was just going to tell her about my latest photos of Harry and she just DID IT! She leant forward and KISSED me! I kissed her back - I think I did it right, dad! - it was SO COOL! It was all wet and a bit sloppy and TOTALLY BRILLIANT!!! It reminded me a bit of those jelly slugs! Do you remember?! Do you? I brought loads home in third year and mum HATED them?! Is that right? Should it be like that?! Should it? You know, SLIMY?! I was going to ask Susan about the sluggy-ness, but then I remembered what mum said about girls and slime so I didn’t! Tongues are brilliant though, aren’t they dad?! Like slugs, but MUCH BETTER!
Hogsmeade was so, SO brilliant, but it was bit weird when we got back to school though! Susan told me she’d had a nice date! A DATE?! I don’t know who she’d had a date with when she was with me all day! I hope they weren’t too upset about it! Actually, she said LOTS of odd things when we were in Hogsmeade! She wanted to go to this really weird tea shop, where everything is all pink! WEIRD! They don’t even do proper food in there, just funny little cakey things! I don’t get it! Cakes are nice, but sometimes you need proper food, don’t you dad? So we went to the pub instead! I was REALLY hungry by then!
I don’t care about the weird stuff though, because she asked me to sit with her at the next Quidditch match!! And then she KISSED me again! It was on the cheek, so it wasn’t so wet this time, but it was still REALLY cool! I CAN’T WAIT for the match! I can tell her all about Harry! Maybe I can show her some of my photos of him?! She asked that I didn’t bring Dennis this time, which was really odd as well! I mean, he wasn’t there when we, you know, KISSED! Maybe he can sit in the row in front or something?! Do you think she’ll want to kiss me again? Do you, dad? Should I practice? Should I? I tried kissing my arm when I got back, but it wasn’t the same!
It’s brilliant though, isn’t it, dad? Isn’t it?!
Got to go! Got to tell Dennis!