I felt so dumb

Aug 30, 2005 22:05

Ah yes today was intresting..i got my locker but of course it's on the 2nd floor ...jeez i'm pisssed cause now i'm most deff gonna miss ze bus oh well i guess i'll have to get rides from Justin..yay for older driving people..haha...but yeah jeez i felt SO dumb today in Algerbra..we had to do MULTIPLACATION...and i did it soooo wrong ..like yeah..i know my times tables i swear i do..but i got 65 wrong out of a 100..lmao..isnt that horrible..oh well..i don't care..but yeah..i feel sooo bad for my baby cause like he hasnt heard from his g-parents for a while and they live down by the hurricane place and yeah..he is so scared he was like practically crying last night and i felt SO bad cause i couldnt be there for him..but yeah so if you pray pray for his g-parents pleaseeee even tho i know nikki is the only one that reads this but oh well...just yeah..so he said if he dosnt hear from them by friday he is giving up all hope..which i think is crap but oh well...but yeah..so tomorrow were gonna go see Red Eye or some other movie bout something or something haha yeah..well i'm gonna go..byeeeeeeee

"I just want to sing my song b4 this whole world....gonnnne let me out let me out i'm singing"
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