Whit, I'm so glad you tagged me on this, 'cause I keep wanting to update, but life seems so big and overwhelming right now that I always get stuck on the blank "Update Journal" screen. you rock.
7 things I plan to do before I die:
1. Own my own house on several acres with a spring
2. Go back to Cuba
3. Write something that is legitimately published that lots of people like to read
4. Have a dog named Panties
5. Have ten boy-children so that we can have our own baseball team that can play against my brother's kids' baseball team
6. get to the point, chemically, where I don't have to take Glucophage anymore
7. be able to wear J Crew pants
7 things I can do:
1. Write - my papers, others' papers, poems, dumb news articles
2. knit
3. install a doorknob and lock
4. roof a house
5. parallel park like it was an olympic event
6. publish a book from start to finish - if i have funding...
7. clean an apartment until it's spotless while consuming an entire bottle of wine
7 things I cannot do:
1. Play guitar (dammit! I really want to! but that will have to wait)
2. Remember names on the first go-round
3. Stop taking the Lord's name in vain
4. Get a man
5. Write code for computers
6. live far away from my family
7. *properly* clean a bathroom - it's like I'm a kindergartener eating paste or something.
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Their ability to pick me up and throw me against a wall like they were tossing a quarter (see related #7)
2. Their taste in literature and music being enough like mine that we introduce *each other* to new stuff
3. Commitment - for instance, someone who has wanted to be, say, a firefighter or doctor forever and pursues that dream
4. Honesty
5. Being Southern
6. Thoughtfulness in moderation
7. Okay, this is sort of obscure, but whatever quality it is that made Brad Pitt as Achilles roll over and kiss Briseis after she woke him up with a knife to his throat - maybe that's a willingness to challenge me when he knows me more than i know myself? I don't know. But it's whatever it is that drives him in that scene... YIKES.
7 things that I say most often:
1. I just want a job
2. Amazing (with varying amounts of As)
3. ¿Dondé está...?
4. nicely done
5. it's too dirty in here
6. that's driving me crazy
7. totes (I just can't shake it)
7 celebrity crushes:
1. Brad Pitt (unoriginal, I know, but then I just watched Troy and Legends of the Fall and I'm paralyzed)
2. Paul Newman
3. Harrison Ford
4. LL Cool J
5. OH MY GOD EDIT: I'm totally bumping Colin Farrell for Angelina Jolie. I would SO MUCH RATHER SLEEP WITH ANGELINA.Seeing Mr. and Mrs. Smith was like sensory overload for me.
6. Scott Caan
7. Scott Patterson
7 favorite songs
1. St. Judy's Comet - Paul Simon
2. Break Away - Kelly Clarkson
3. Hotel California - Los Lobos
4. Kathleen - Josh Ritter
5. Three Days - Pat Green
6. Holy Water - Big & Rich
7. I Been Called Worse - Anthony Orio
7 favorite books
1. Watership Down
2. The Fountainhead
3. Island of the Blue Dolphins
4. Bridge to Terebithea
5. Gone With the Wind
6. The Dark Tower series - it's all one story, anyway.
7. Crónica de una muerte anunciada
7 People you want to do this meme
m'eh... it's such a time-sucker. do what you will.