
Dec 14, 2008 15:15

duuuuuuude! once again, I have not posted in a loooooooong time *shock* so here, I shall post! I've started watching this drama called First Kiss which is funny but sad at some parts. it's really good! And the doctor in it is soooooooooo HOT! like, x12! Oh, and i finished this REALLY long meme i've been working on! (copied into word it's 10 pages) So, I challenge you all to do it! If you just save it as a word doc and do it in bits like i did it's not too bad. so, drumroll please! here it is:

Can you swim?: yes! What kinda dumb question is that?
Can you dance?: yes…
Can you whistle?: not really…occasionally, when I like my lips and concentrate reeeeeeeaalllllllyyyyyy hard
Can you sing?: Not well but I can technically sing.
Can you play an instrument?: Yup! Piano. And maybe clarinet but I haven’t played it in over a year so im not really sure…
Can you cross you eyes?: no *pout*
Can you roll your tongue?: yes! And when I write up my resume later in life I plan to put that as one of my special skills!
Can you make a clover with your tongue?: sadly, no
Can you do a back flip?: well I’ve never really tried…*tries and lands on head*
Can you do a back bend?: hold on…no
Can you fight?: Chyea man! I’m a black belt! Cause real girls break more than just hearts! What? No I didn’t steal that from a facebook community? What are you talking about?
Can you cook?: Technically yes, but not well.
Can you rum your tummy while you pat your head?: Of course! I do it all the time. It’s one of my favorite activities.
Can you lick your elbow?: No! It’s physically impossible duh! (I learned this from TV)
Can you make people laugh easily?: Not really. People laugh at me a lot though…
Can you draw?: Technically yes but I have no artistic talent whatsoever.
Can you paint?: Again, technically yes but not well.
Can you type fast?: Not really…
Can you scream your thoughts without being embaressed?: Of course! As long as no one can hear me…
Can you belch?: Not on purpose. I’m sure it is physically possible though.
Can you face your fears?: Eh, not really
Can you concentrate of a task eaily?: It depends on how I’m feeling that day.
Can you do the electric slide?: No but I’d love to learn! Do they have electric slide classes?
Can you roll your eyes to the back of your head?: sadly, no. It’s quite tragic really.
Can you hold your breath for more than 20 seconds?: hang on. ….yes! thirty seconds! woah…I feel light headed.
Can you play a sport?: okay, what about the sports that you cannot play? I cannot play taekwondo but I do taekwondo. sheesh
Can you throw a football the proper way?: there’s more than one way? huh, who knew?
Can you devote yourself to a significant other enitrely?: I’m not sure…what exactly would that entail? Never had a boyfriend so I’m gonna go with no.
Can you stand on a skateboard?: noo…

Did you ever get arrested?: nope! Fishy says its only a matter of time though
Did you ever skip school?: ohmygawd no! Do you have any idea how dead I would be if I did? We are talking eyes ripped out, drawn and quartered, head chopped off, buried without a tombstone, and then brought back to clean up the mess! Besides, I might miss something! And I wouldn’t get into NHS or Peer Mentoring and colleges wouldn’t love me, and I would emo and cry. Wow, I kinda sound like fishy and weeny. heh, funny…except not.
Did you ever have a medical emergancy?: well, I swallowed a chicken bone once…
Did you ever think about suicide?: no, death scares me. and I’m also not good with pain, which I’m guessing would be involved in suicide…
Did you ever faint?: no. I’ve wished I could though. It’d be such an easy way to get out of boring/embarrassing/scary/stressful situations. oh well, I’ll live
Did you ever cry over a crush?: Ummm…I don’t think so…
Did you ever have your heart broken?: No, no chance really
Did you ever get into a fight?: Physical or verbal? I’ve been in verbal ones. Does sparring count? If yes, then yes. heehee that sounded kinda redundant
Did you ever ride a plane?: when I was like two
Did you ever fall in love?: grrrrrr. no. *pout*
Did you ever lose someone close to you?: lose how? My grandpa died but I was only six at the time so I didn’t really understand what was going on. I lost my stuffed bunny under the couch one time. for a month.
Did you ever fail a class?: no! I don’t think I could handle failing. I’d have a heart attack or something!
Did you ever sleep with a blankie?: No, I had my stuffed bunny instead. much more original.
Did you ever believe a monster was under your bed?: there is. his name is Booger.
Did you ever streak?: …no. never have. never will. not even gonna wonder why anyone would.
Did you ever drink alcohol?: well, my daddy let me have a sip of his wine once. it tasted like acid. alcohol scares me to death so I’m never, ever gonna drink. apparently it shrinks your brain.
Did you ever take drugs?: no. drugs are for poopy-heads
Did you ever stalk anyone?: nope. well…does it count if they’re famous and on another continent and its only through the internet?
Did you ever have a stalker?: I don’t think so…
Did you ever wish on a star?: duh, who hasn’t? everyone knows that’s how you get things. XD
Did you ever dance in the rain?: YES! It’s the funnest thing ever!
Did you ever kiss in the rain?: *growls* no
Did you ever have a secret santa?: no
Did you ever have a secret admiror?: well, there was this guy who liked me in like fifth grade. if that counts
Did you ever attend a wedding?: one
Did you ever attend a funeral?: when I was six
Did you ever stay up all night?: if you haven’t you’ve never truly lived
Did you ever stay up 2 nights in a row?: no, but I’ll have to try that
Did you ever sleep in class?: nope
Did you ever listen to the inside of a sea shell?: dumb question. who hasn’t?
Did you ever ever find a 4 leaf clover?: nope, not for lack of trying though
Did you ever swim in the ocean?: yup
Did you ever fear the dark?: I still do. dark is a scary place/thing/monster
Did you ever go to a concert?: no unfortunately
Did you ever have a pet goldfish?: yes…it died
Did you ever have a: did I ever have a what? BE MORE SPECIFIC! this bothers me. I NEED TO KNOW!!
Did you ever have a detention?: once in seventh grade when I forgot to get my grade sheet signed which was really stupid cuz I had an A so anyone with a brain would’ve known I didn’t forget on purpose
Did you ever have a new year's kiss?: grrrrrrr…no
Did you ever sleep all day?: ew, no. that’d be such a waste of time.
Did you ever forget someone's birthday?: I dunno…
Did you ever leave out cookies for santa?: yes! Santa is my bffl!
Did you ever pretend to be a power ranger when younger?: no, we didn’t have cable yet.
Did you ever eat only the marshmallows in a box of lucky charms?: no…I always save those for last though
Did you ever fall out of a tree?: no
Did you ever have depression?: well, I’ve been depressed but I don’t think that counts as depression
Did you ever look for shapes in the clouds with your friends?: no we have much cooler random things to be doing
Did you ever make funny faces for pictures with your friends?: but of course!
Did you ever cry tears of joy?: no…
Did you ever cry yourself to sleep?: a couple of times yeah
Did you ever donate blood?: not old enough, plus needles scare me
Did you ever talk about someone behind thier back?: not in a mean way
Did you ever have someone talk about you behind your back?: im not sure…probably…oh wow, now im kinda depressed. I wonder what people say about me…
Did you ever try to change your: name. yes, in preschool I told my teacher my name was Cinderella. she didn’t believe me and I’ve been living in a land of make believe ever since
Did you ever sing the lyrics to songs at the top of your lungs in a car?: yup!
Did you ever play laser tag?: once
Did you ever teach an old dog a new trick?: no, I have a young dog
Did you ever give a tip higher than $5?: I don’t tip. my parents pay
Did you ever have a bad hair cut?: um…I don’t think so
Did you ever have a moment you never wanted to end?: only every single day!

Do you believe in magic?: well it would be stupid not to. and my Hogwarts letter is coming! it’s just taking longer cuz im in America. just wait. you’ll see
Do you believe in miracles?: yes, still waiting for mine though
Do you think wishes can come true?: double yes, I’m just not sure if mine can
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yes, but once again I’m still waiting (does anyone else see a pattern here?)
Do you believe in true love?: yes
Do you believe in the need for a government to keep order?: well, yes. I’d much rather that that government be Supreme Dictator Tegoshi though
Do you think the government would be better without Bush?: well duh. the guy’s got a natural inclination towards FAIL. It’s not his fault.
Do you believe in a god?: yup!
Do you believe in a Goddess?: no, God is genderless
Do you do u believe in more than one of either?: no, I’m Christian
Do you attent a religous ceremony more than 5 times a year?: church every Sunday! yay!
Do you believe that broken mirrios bring 7 years of bad luck?: nah, not really. that’s too much bad luck for one person
Do you think times change to fast?: yeah…
Do you believe in luck?: duh!
Do you believe in any other superstitions?: not really
Do you believe in ghosts?: nah, I figure you had your whole life to hang around the Earth. why keep doing it once you’re dead?
Do you think witches exist?: Hogwarts letter. coming. will be magical.
Do you believe in a sixth sence?: what’s sence?
Do you believe in organized religion?: yup
Do you believe there's a next life?: heaven!
Do you believe in a heaven?: *points to last question*
Do you believe in a pergatory?: why is it spelled wrong? and no. me and catholic beliefs don’t really mix. which is why I’m not allowed to let my grandma read my creed
Do you believe in a hell?: yup, people don’t go there anymore though
Do you believe in reincarnation?: nope
Do you think there's a possability that all gods are the same god?: well, I think there’s only one God
Do you think abortion is morally okay?: yes, pro-choice all the way!
Do you believe that global warming is a serious problem?: it didn’t snow last winter. I rest my case
Do you support the War in Iraq?: no, Bush is a dumb-dumb
Do you think there's a obvious moment for passage to manhood/womanhood?: um, no. if there is I may have missed it…unless it hasn’t happened yet…hmm, it’d be really nice if there was a big flashing sign in neon lights saying “Attention: you have now reached adulthood. whoop-de-doo.” or something of the sort
Do you think there's life on other planets?: of course. it’d be such a waste of space if there wasn’t
Do you think all virsus and diseases have cures?: eventually
Do you think a nuclear war is possible any day?: big bombs + plus stupid people with lots of power + male egos = boom!
Do you believe its okay for cubans to be allowed to touch and stay?: Depends, what exactly are they touching?
Do you think building a wall on the mexican border will do anything?: nooo…ever heard of tunneling?
Do you believe in karma?: well, sorta. in my own way
Do you agree with arranged marriage?: who does?
Do you think we could be acting better to end poverty?: of course. but people are stupid so I’m not exactly holding out for the situation to change any time soon
Do you believe that hard hard work is they only way to a sucessful life?: No, it’s the only way for us normal people but there are tons of rich people who get free rides
Do you believe in angels?: not sure
Do you believe that an unknown beings are protecting us? (like guardians): nope, just God.
Do you think the upcoming generation is doomed?: well, not all of it. just most of it
Do you think morals are disapearing?: *turns on TV, blinks and turns TV off* yeah, I’m gonna go with yes
Do you think the U.S. is ready for a woman president?: hell yes!
Do you think the rules for prisoners of war could be better obided?: obided? who wrote this? even I spell better than that and I’ve got TegoMass sabotaging me

Have you ever wished on a star?: I think we covered this already
Have you wished on a dandelion?: yeah
Have you ever been to another country?: no. *glares at parental units*
Have you ever been to another continent?: *glares harder*
Have you ever moved?: no, lived in the same place all my life
Have you ever eaten sushi?: yup!
Have you laughed until you cried?: yeah
Have you pants-ed someone?: no, Spicy Tuna-ing someone is much funner
Have you been pants-ed?: no, I have been wimpled though
Have you been in a mosh pit?: no
Have you wished someone would die?: no. that would be mean
Have you ever caught snowflakes on your tongue?: I’ve tried…
Have you ever broken a bone?: nope
Have you ever sprained any part of your body?: nope
Have you ever been in a talent show?: nope
Have you auditioned for a play?: nope
Have you ever envied someone else's life?: yup
Have you ever spent a class staring at a boy/girl?: no, I’d miss too much learning time
Have you recieved a love note?: no
Have you written a love note?: no 
Have you given that person the love note?: no
Have you gotten a reward?: not really…
Have you won a competition?: *points at trophies*
Have you been in the newspaper?: no. I will when I’m a famous author though
Have you ever went window shopping?: are there people who haven’t?
Have you went to stores with no intention to shop but to try on cloths?: yeah!
Have you ever seen a midnight movie?: sadly, no
Have you ever written a song?: nah
Have you ever tried to catch fire flies?: yah

How many times have you been to the hospital?: twice I think. both times were when I was reeeeeaaaaallllllyyyyyy little. wait, no. four counting when I was born and when my brother was born.
How many movies do you own?: psh, I don’t know
How many friends can you think of off the top of your head?: all of them?
How many relationships have u had?: what kind of relationships? you really ought to be more specific
How many siblings do you have?: one. sometimes I wish I had none
How late is your curfew?: don’t really have one
How often do you go to the movies?: not often
How often do you go to the mall?: maybe once or twice a month? depending on the month
How often do you hang out with your friends?: not as much as I wish I could
How often do you have time to just sit and relax?: not often
How often do you worry about what others think about you?: only sometimes
How often do you hope for things to happen?: only all the time!
How often do you feel stressed?: meh, couple times a week?
How often do you spend time at home?: not that much lately
How many peircings do you have?: one in each ear and that number is not gonna change any time soon
How many posters do you have in your room?: idk…a couple?
How many times do you trip while walking in a week?: once?
How often do you get embaressed?: mmmm…not much
How often do you wonder if you can trust the people you trust?: I don’t cuz I know I can
How often do you just sat and hang with your friends just to talk?: a good amount
How often do you ask your friends for advice?: a lot
How comfortable are you with yourself?: what kind of question is that? how do you live if you’re not comfortable with yourself?
How comfortable are you around others?: depends on who they are
How high is your self-esteem?: meh, low middle?
How do you usually get around?: parental chauffeurs
How often do you feel lonley?: not too often…it depends on the week
How often do you feel daring?: define daring
How often do you get in fights with others?: not often. I’m not really very confrontational
How long to you usually talk to your friends?: I dunno…like a lot?
How long do you spend getting ready in the morning?: mmm about half an hour to forty minutes
How long is your average shower?: usually around twenty minutes
How long has it been since your last visit to a dentist?: I don’t know! why would I keep track of these things?
How long has it been since you went on a vacation?: two weeks XD
How often do you wonder about your future?: every single freakin day! im going crazy!
How often do you go on the computer?: practically every day
How tall are you?: 5’3
How long is your hair?: shoulder length
How long are your nails?: just over my fingertips
How caring are you?: super duper!
How loving are you?: super duper de dooper scooper! (no, I don’t have a clue as to where that came from)
How do you spend your weekends?: it depends on the weekend
How much money do you have on you at this moment?: none.
How much money do you have in your bank?: mmm…somewhere above two thousand
How often do you instant message your friends?: not as often as I should. I tend to forget to sign on

Last person you talked to?: my brother. although I suppose ‘talked’ is a relative term since I was actually yelling at him…
Last movie you saw?: umm…god I think the last one was Twilight. Which was amusing in the ‘omg I can’t believe how stupid and corny this is and they are all such creepers remind me why I’m here again’ kind of way
Last song you heard?: Citizen/Soldier by 3 Doors Down
Last thing you said aloud?: “Daniel stop poking me with your staff!”
Last thing you thought to yourself?: well, I was mentally reading this question! duh!
Last item you bought?: Christmas presents!
Last drink you had?: seltzer
Last food you ate?: a brownie
Last holiday you passed?: Thanksgiving!
Last birthday you had?: my fifteenth! now thanks to Taylor Swift I have a song describing my age! It really nothing like what being fifteen is like for me, for instance no senior boy has come up to me and said “I haven’t seen you around”, but its still a good song
Last person you instant messaged?: fishy!
Last time you went to the movies?: to see Twilight. see earlier comments
Last time you went to the mall?: yesterday to buy Christmas presents! It was fun! I felt like Santa!
Last thing you bought to give to someone else?: *points to aforementioned Christmas presents*
Last time you cried?: this morning
Last song you sang aloud?: Womanizer
Last car you drove in?: Mom's, although technically I wasn’t driving in it I was being a passenger in it
Last argument you had?: uhhh…
Last cut you recieved?: ummm…
Last picture you took?: um, a picture of a hat in Macy’s
Last brand of toothpaste you used?: I don’t know my toothpaste brand! oh, have can I live without such crucial information?
Last dream you had?: the one I had last night that I can no longer remember
Last wish you had?: psh! I’m not telling!
Last crush you had?: again, personal information here!
Last relationship you had?: *pout* still waiting for the first one bub
Last flower you recieved?: no one ever gives me flowers
Last person you called?: bffl
Last person that called you?: bffl
Last time it rained?: three days ago
Last social event you atended?: does fellowship after church count?
Last awar you won?: awar? I’m sorry, me no speeky typo
Last spot you played?: ?
Last thing yuo do right before bed?: …put on my pajamas?
Last T.V. program show you saw?: First Kiss
Last movie on T.V. you saw?: Live Strong, Die Hard
Last object/food/drink you craved for days?: um…water. after tkd
Last person you missed?: my cousins
Last gift you recieved?: lotion from my grandma as my un-birthday gift
Last time you went ice skating?: never
Last time you told your friends how much you appreciated them?: Clan appreciation week?
Last time you let your friends know your there for them?: last time one of them was depressed
Last time you went on a date?: *growls*
Last time you were dresses formally?: homecoming!
Last time you had pizza?: Tuesday for lunch
Last time you rode on a bike?: …I don’t remember…
Last time you walked somewhere?: Friday walking home from babysitting
Last time you went to a park?: huh. good question
Last time you found work fun?: the last time I babysat
Last time you wrote a story?: like five minutes ago when I started weeny’s Christmas fic
Last time you wrote in a journal/diary?: now. it is called livejournal after all
Last time yuo had ice cream?: mmm…Wednesday?
Last time everything seemed perfect?: last time I was with mi amigos
Last time everything seemed to be wrong?: the week I came back from Williamsburg. school was tough
Last time someone hurt you emotionally?: ?...hmmm….
Last time someone hurt you physicaly?: um, my cousin Jack kicked me
Last bruise you had?: dude, I have like five now
Last time you had to take a pill?: I dunno
Last sickness you had?: a cold
Last time you were there for a friend when you were needed?: pfsh! I’m always there

What shirt are you wearing?: my VBS volunteer shirt from two years ago
What bottoms are you weraing?: sweats
What color are your socks?: dark blue
What shoes are you wearing?: who wears shoes at home?
What jewlery are you wearing?: none
What time is it?: 1 pm
What room are you in?: the family room
What do yuo currently hear?: Super Junior M singing
What color is your hair?: brown
What what pigment is your skin?: What what? my skin is white white
What is your heritage?: European mutt.
What high school do/did you attend?: mmm you all know so I won’t say just in case there’s a serial killer reading this
What were te colors?: again
What was the school mascot?: again
What color is your room?: white with blue trim
What posters do you have in there?: mmm the one B&N gave out when the 6th HP book came out. the news poster pudding got me in Japan and the Pi one weeny gave me
What is your favorite color?: blue
What is your favorite t.v. station?: midunno
What is you favorite movie?: what? I have to pick just one?! *smites*
What what is your favorite ice cream flavor?: again? Im supposed to pick? what kind of sick universe is this?!
What is your favorite food?: dude, you really don’t get it do you?
What is your favorite drink?: *evil glare*
What do you wish you were doing?: frolicking in the streets of any other country
What is the colsets book to you?: *scans room* the manual that came with my phone
What is the color of the closest pen?: green
What dp you wish you had?: ? am I supposed to know what that means?
What would you do if you had only a day left to live?: cry, go do something cool with my friends
What would you like to do on a date?: talk, kiss
What do you consider to be an important moral?: equality
What is the weather now?: cold
What season is it?: winter
What is the temperature?: *refuses to move in order to check temp*
What is your favorite smell?: *points upwards*
What is one memory you treasure?: stuff
What can you not live without?: the computer
What color are your bed sheets?: white
What lollipop flavor is your favorite?: *stern frown*
What ice cream topping do you love most?: grrrrr
What is your favorite cake?: *has tantrum*
What is your favorite holiday?: *head explodes*
What is one thing your allergic to?: cats
What are your true fears?: falling, death
What is your favorite season?: and we’re back to this again
What is your favorite animal?: …
What was the last board game you played?: life?
What was the last video game you played?: Idk
What was the last book you read?: Big Fat Manifesto
What is/was your favorite subject in school?: creative writing
What are/do you want to be when you are an adult?: an author
What is your favorite music catagory?: alternative, pop
What is your favorite radio station?: Z100
What was the last thing you ordered at a restaurant?: a fromano panini
What was the first thing you though of this morning?: ‘meh, I don’t want to get up’
What was the first thing you ate today?: fruity pebbles
What was the first thing you drank today?: seltzer
What was the last thing you thought of before going to bed last night?: ‘*yawn* I’m sleepy’
What do you like to do on your spare time?: write, read, watch dramas
What event made you cry last?: event huh…I’m gonna go with when they both die at the end of The Bucket List
What is your religon?: Christianity

Who is you best friend?: uhm…you can only have one?
Who was the last person to touch you?: …
Who was the last person to kiss you?: *snarl*
Who was the last person to tell you they loved you?: Mom
was the last person to tell you they hated you?: Daniel
Who is your newest friend?: I dunno
Who do you trust most?: I trust a lot of people
Who's arms do you feel safe in?: …is it just me or is that a really corny question?
Who do you have a crush on if you currently have a crush?: personal question!
Who was the last person you hit playfully?: I dunno
Who was the last person you dreamed about?: …I refuse to answer that
Who was the last person you thought about?: I dunno I think about a lot of people
Who was the last celebrity you liked?: Junno!
Who was the last person to hurt you?: don't know
Who was the last person you hurt?: don't know
Who was the last person you feared?: fear…
Who was the last person you laughed at?: the cast of First Kiss
Who was the last person that laughed at you?: my mommy
Who was the last person that stuck up for you in front of you?: well, people don’t really pick on me to my face…
Who was the last person to stick up for you when you weren't around?: how am I supposed to know if I wasn’t there?
Who was the last person you defended when they weren't around?: idk
Who qas the last person you defended by thier side?: gas?
Who would you die for?: all of my closer friends and my family
Who is your funniest friends?: BAD GRAMMER! and all of my friends are funny
Who is you craziest friend?: …all of my friends are crazy…
Who is your most social friends?: …….i dunno…
Who is your alter ego?: *snicker* Yuri
Who is your sworm enemy?: I don’t have enemies. it’s such a mean thing to do
Who is your most rebelious friend?: bffl
Who was the last person you went to for advice?: pudding. regarding Christmas present for person who shall not be named for the sake of secrecy
Who was the last person that come to you for advice?: I dunno
Who who was the last person to see you cry?: practically everyone on the face of the earth has seen me cry
Who was the last person you saw cry?: I don’t keep track
Who is the friend that you consider a guardian angel?: if by guardian angel you mean people who would go physically and verbally abuse anyone who was mean to me then bffl and the Clan
Who do you love like a sister?: mi amigos
Who do you love like a brother?: my brother, duh.
Who do you admire?: Cassandra Clare
Who do you envy?: Cassandra Clare, authors, rich people
Who do you respect?: my parents
Who do you pity?: lonely people
Who do you want to hang out with right now?: my peeps *assumes ghetto-FAIL pose*
Who has the most fun?: me! duh!
Who do you want to talk to right now?: my friends
Who do you want to meet?: Junno! and Pi, and, *goes down the list*

spazz, meme

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