alright WOW i have had one of the up and down kinda weeks.Well you all know about me and sami and thats the down part but umm steve,joe,and em made it so better. The best people in the world. joe and em and steve showed up here one day and picked my white ass up.Went up to em's house.Did some UFC stuff and totally got my butt beatin but thats ok it
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We gottsa get a time to make some more coolaid togethaz, yo. I'll bring that whore-pillow in case anyone gets lonely. Haha..then we can freestyle, even the pillow gets a turn!
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---- > ~~==== ....BOOM...i just took over your journal. your soul is mine. ..You need to come over. jake is gay. I still like kool-aid...alright im out.
- Batman
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