
May 18, 2005 15:08

Ok my first day back in school since friday wasn't that bad really.1st and 2nd I had to sit through everyone takeing a test and do a w/s which suck nutts and then sat and watched a video which was a bit confuzzing lol...maybe b/c i didn't watch half of it.3Rd did nothing but watched a movie...Which was a good movie and i don't what they say i would tell you the name i just don't know it sorry lol.4th went up and sat and listen to the freshmen suck ass at singing...but ANTH was awesome! Even if he did fuck up about two times lol ;) 5th We had some black lady in there so we just fucked around while robert sells drugs over the internet lmao.6th we did work but blah i like Mr.B b/c he is awesome.7Th we watched another thing for the class and then sang some...It went kinda well.8th..Yay last of the day came and i went to talk to Mis.shroom ( i know thats not her name but i like calling her that) about my thing for next year so i think i might hae a class with emilys mommy so i can leave school that would rock!........After school was the fuck up to my day and what do you know guess who it has to deal with...sami.Wow did i not tell you.But yeah She needs to start thinking with her heart and not with her friends.Since her friends hate me so much.of course there going to say don't go back out with him...Yours your fucking heart and stop playing with me like im a toy when you need someone to hold your hand.Make up your mind.
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