* I put my head on her chest and heard my world beat...*

Feb 26, 2005 21:05

Tonight is the one night that i am happy. Joshie is here. YAY!!!!! hehe And i just balltapped him tehe...he will be fine.and then he just tried to hit me and didn't get me but i think we broke the desk haha.But anywho sami came over and we talked and made out and blah blah and cuddle god i love it! I love it when we are just laying there and just hold eachother and nothing is wrong at all.Untill my mom walks in the room and then the air in the room gets weird but then she leaves and then its fine.We are now listening to internet radio and there talking about katie keric,rosanna bar, and Oprah's vagina. This is great hahaha. well thats it for tonight I LOVE YOU! mwmhahahahhaha

*Bite my we we before i go Pe pe."
"Don't flip off the dictator...THATS BAD!"
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