*Rain is great...*

Feb 05, 2005 09:25

Well I just woke up so i guess ill tell you what i did yesterday.It started out good went to school like normal with glasses and i got alot of comments on them.I don't think i look cute but if you people think i do then alright i do and thanks.Yeah umm in 1st and 2nd i had to do this workshet all by myself b/c caitlin had to do this test thing she missed but its all good we still got a A on it b/c im smart like that...NOT. =-) umm god im bored alright 3rd was boring like always.Umm 4th i watch the little kids sing and i found something out that really kinda bothered me and lunch i did also.I wish i knew so i could of help but oyu know what i know now so im going to try my Darnest to help my friends before they do anything stupid.B/c I LOVE THEM ALL. The ones i sit with at lunch that is plus more but yeah.5th i went down to the choir /band room since we have nothing to do in Itech b/c its gay.umm i don't really wanna go on b/c its just gay a boreing so you guys get the picture right?

Then skateland came around at 7.So i got ready and i should tell you guys never wear shorts that are really really lose b/c it focks *Thats right i said Focks* up and your pants don't ever stand up even when you have people trying to pull them down.JESSE and JAMES. Those were the ones that like to pull pants down.lol But yeah i got there and it was nice while it lasted Jimmy did feel good and he was kinda feeling down i tried to talk to him but he didn't really want to but thats ok im going to his house tonight so i might talk to him there.ummthen every went well and umm AT the end guess who fucks it up once again.
sami mother that fucking Nut job i don't care anymore she has pissed me off so much she wont let sami do a god damn thing.It was jimmy's birthday and we were going to erik's house and she wouldn't let her come for no god damn reason at all.GAH I HATE THAT WOMAN! so yeah my night ended on a bad note so yeah Oh we then went to erik ,With out sami tear, and it was jimmys birthday party tingy and we hog tied him and took highlighter since erik has black light and we wrote thing on jimmy can't wait till he sees his back lol. Yeah so that was my night.

So tonight better be fun at jimmy's b/c we are going to partry it up like is 1989! haha i am slow but bye people.
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