What is this, the third post this month? Man, I feel like I'm getting back to the swing of things. I can't tell if that's good or bad. *snerk*
It's been a busy month so far. I have some news. First, I'd like to thank everyone who responded to my father/daughter question. I can't promise I'll use everything, but it's all been really helpful to me. Second, in my last post, I mentioned I was thinking about getting a dreamwidth account. I actually did so without deliberating about it for another year. Why? Well, my paid time on LJ is about to run out, so my options were either to renew the paid account or buy a dreamwidth account, so I went with dreamwidth. I'm not jumping ship, but I like it so far. I need an easy way to update/maintain a mirror blog in case of disaster, and the journal import feature is a major plus! I only wish I could import the posts from my icon comm, but oh well. My username is the same there if anyone wants to friend, but either way, I'll continue to crosspost entries on LJ (and on my poor neglected IJ, maybe?).
There are a couple of people on my LJ-flist whose icons I imported. Some people don't like their work being used off LJ--if that's you, please let me know. The userpics I imported are
In other news, my brother called me this week and informed me that just about my whole family is on facebook and my mother wanted to know why I didn't have one. So, I'm now also on facebook. Link on the sidebar.
Oh yeah--and speaking of the sidebar, I've done some renovation around here. It took me a long time to make myself do it, but I finally removed the links to all of my old RPG forums. I think the last time I was active in an RP was around 2007, but it was still hard to do. I met so many friends on those boards, and the characters still mean the world to me, but really is time to admit that it's a closed chapter in my life. I just can't post regularly anymore. Maybe that will change again in the future, but for now there's nothing else for it.
In fiction related news, I started posting that Land and Sky story I promised. Thus far, the reaction has been positively underwhelming! *snicker* I've also been working on the outlines for Gemini Tide and Getting It Together this week. I think now have two separate stories that actually are NOT depressing! o_O Something must be wrong with me.
Oh! Oh! I started a Bloodkin vid that I have wanted to do forever but I was missing clips of several characters Took me about two hours to finish the first 28 seconds. >.< Yes, I'm off to a great start. I just love AU vidding. (NOT!)
Tenderness is due from Netflix this afternoon. Stand by for squeeage!