Dec 19, 2010 21:53
THE 21ST IS NEARLY UPON US! holy capslock!
The results are in!
By popular vote we will be seeing the 2:15 pm showing of Unstoppable!
For those who want to meet an hour before the movie, which is most of us, we will be meeting between 1-1:15 at the Starbucks which is located inside the AMC building.
The address is 10 Dundas Street East, Toronto, ON and for those of you traveling by subway you'll get off at the Dundas stop on the yonge-university line, and I believe you can access the AMC through the Pathway as well. You probably know already but I thought I'd tell you just in case :3
I will probably be there few minutes early and creepily waiting outside of the Starbucks doors. I might as well tell you my name, It's Rachel, and I'll be wearing a white coat and a teal scarf :D I believe most of you are bringing friends with you, but I'll be alone waiting so don't be afraid to come up if you see me! lol
After the movie we can find somewhere to chat and squee about the movie and Star Trek and all other things of amazing.
I'm really excited to meet all of you, and hope all of you can make it! :D :D :D