Apr 17, 2008 21:58
so i sound like a whiny bitch .
and like always
i have bad timing.
on the flip side.
there is no flip side.
i am soo drowning in my school work and anything else i could consider work.
i've never voluntarily been so available to busy-ness.
-i want to be busy.
-i want to not have any time to think about anything else except what i'm doing at that very moment.
-i want to be able to share opinions with my mom, actually take advice from my mom, have an actual relationship with my mom, have my mom's support in more things that school, make my automatic response to her questions a little less defensive, get her trust back.
-i want to say 'hi' to my dad and have him say it back and then i'll say 'how was work?' and he'll say how his work was and i want him to say 'how was school' and i want to be able to give him a response that isn't anything like 'ok' or 'fine' and i want to make him laugh.
...one day...
-i want to fix my computer for more reasons than the one thats not a reason anymore
-i want to actually check off everything in a checklist [this checklist] for once in my life.
-i want to get a job
-i want to get a job
-i want to get a job
-i want self content for more than 4 hours in a day , preferably a whole entire day.
-i want to stop avoiding things
-i want to avoid going back again
(completely contradicting myself but makes sense to me)
-i want to stop waiting for calls, staring at the fone for calls, constantly making calls when i know i shouldn't, hoping for a call even though i took an hour to get myself to not pick up, and overall just not make as many calls.
-i want to eventually not need a livejournal.
-I want to pee.