a promotion! huzzah!

May 01, 2009 22:30

So, as of of Monday, I will start training to be the new cafe lead. I'll be off the book floor and working in the cafe full time, instead of just backing-up. It'll be good. More money, more hours, more cafe experience, and I guess they'll still want me on the book floor a little I think I heard which is fine =)

Me and Andrew are watching the best of the Chappelle Show. And as today is the first of May...one month until me and Andrew are flying to Maui! We'll be there for a week...with my mom and two aunts, but still...we'll be in Maiui. =)

I'm still trying to keep up with updating this blog as well as Gen Recommends... , so check it out! (shameless self-promotion to anyone reading this blog)

Not much else to report...

promotion, vacation

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