
Mar 28, 2009 13:03

So..I haven't been posting much, so I thought I'd try to remedy this. So, at least for now, just an entry to catch you up on my life.

Since 2005, I've been living in the SF Bay area. Specifically speaking, I currently live in the north bay with the love of my life, Andrew. Since moving to the bay, I've been steadily working for Barnes & Noble (three years this April). In the middle of the Spring semester of last year, I realized just how sick and tired I was of being in a classroom and how much I wanted to be able to own and run a cafe. So, I've slowly reading books on owning your own business, saving up funds, jotting down ideas...you get the idea. A slow slow progression, but there is a determination at least, and my sister will actually be moving to the Bay in May and has agreed to be my business partner. So I'm excited!

Amidst all my working and daydreaming, I decided to create an additional blog recommending books to anyone that's interested - Gen Recommends... - So, if you're ever in need of something new to read, come take a look! =)

I'll try to update both blogs (this one and the one recently mentioned) at least once a week. =)

update, blogs, life

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