Feb 26, 2008 18:12
So I wrote this a while ago... but my opinions are still valid...
*LADIES!!!* (and guys too!) Don't settle... *READ IT!*
I really don't like hearing about girls in mediocre relationships.
I really don't like seeing girls who put up with guys who are degrading to them or women in general.
I really don't like seeing people who don't live up to their full potential.... those who don't recognize their greatness.
I was there before... in some cases I'm probably still there now. I am a self-admitted SETTLER. No, not the kind that trekked across the prairie on the Oregon Trail. I am a settler... one who settles for less than greatness. One who has been interested in guys who didn't treat me the best. One who has not always recognized her greatness. One who has not always lived up to her full potential. I've settled in academics. I've settled in friendships. I've settled in relationships. I've settled with the complacency of everyday life.
I didn't realize that I settled... especially in relationships for a long time.
NOTE: Especially in light of my past blogs, this isn't an attack on the individuals that I have dated in my past. I have dated and/or been interested in guys, before my current boyfriend, who did respect me as a female and as an individual who wants to accomplish lots in my life.
But one day I had a conversation with a good friend of mine, whom I often went to for relationship advice. And in this conversation he said "don't settle". Two words that really made me think. I realized that I was settling in a lot of situations and I see a lot of girls around me doing the same thing today.
Don't settle! Girls... don't get a boyfriend just to have one. You don't need one... it will be okay without one. Sounds simple, but true. Some give advice that you shouldn't date a guy unless you can see yourself marrying him. Whoa! Wait a minute! Most of you reading this aren't anywhere near the point at which you even want to consider marriage. But the point is this: don't date a guy unless he is 'marriage worthy'. What this basically means is only date individuals who are respectful, trustworthy, caring individuals.
There are plenty of guys out there that fit this description! I've heard my guy friends complain that the good girls always end up with the bad guys. It does happen because we settle for guys that don't treat us so well, that call us bad names, or objectify us.
You are better than that guy that calls you terrible names. You are better than that boy who calls you fat. You are better than any guy who would ever think about hitting you... it happens. GET OUT! If you're in a relationship with a guy you have settled for, a guy that doesn't treat you well, it is time to reevaluate that relationship.
It really annoys me when I see a guy's myspace or other online site when he is "in a relationship"... often with an amazing girl that I know... and has stuff on that site that is degrading to women. If he has something on there about women being "bitches" or "sluts", can he really have respect for you? If he has something that objectifies women on there, does he really see you as a strong woman full of potential or a makeout buddy? YOU ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT! You deserve a MAN that LOVES you... someone that truly cares about you. Someone that will listen to your thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Someone who won't push you to do anything you don't want to do... in any area of life.
Ladies--you were created in the image of God. He molded you with loving hands to be the incredibly person that you are. Too often we settle because we don't allow ourselves to believe in our own greatness. WE DESERVE GREATNESS!!! We deserve HAPPINESS!!!
There are amazing guys out there... MANY of them. I'm not trying to guy-bash. I know girls are often not respectful in relationships as well. But it is most often that I see the wonderful ladies around me settle.
Tomorrow is a new day. You can wake up in the morning and live it however you want to live it. My hope is that you get something out of what I have said... I know this is a long blog... I appreciate those of you who are still reading!
I'm saying this because I know that I have been, and still am in many cases, guilty of settling. I'm guilty everytime I've given less than my full effort into a project or friendship. Guilty as charged! But I'm also saying it because I have grown over my (so far limited college experience... and throughout all of my high school experience as well.)
Think about it...
Whenever we dress inappropriately who are we pleasing? I'm not saying that you can't dress beautifully for yourself. But (this goes back to a previous post) I get irritated when I see pictures online of girls who are showing cleavage and obviously trying to emphasize it in the way that they dress and the pictures they take. Don't settle for trying to impress guys in that way. A REAL man will love you for your personality first! I can't speak for my current boyfriend, but I do know that he is used to me wearing jeans and t-shirts, he's only seen me wear makeup 2-3 times, and was used to seeing me in sweatpants before we started dating. I don't feel the need to impress him with my clothing. I know he accepts me the way I am.
You all have the potential for greatness. It really annoys me when people settle and don't follow their dreams because nobody ever told them that it was okay to do so. I'm telling you that it's okay now! DON'T BE AFRAID TO FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!!! Whatever your dream may be, don't let anybody tell you that you can't achieve it.
The world is before you... you can do whatever you choose to do. Dream the seemingly impossible. I'm willing to take your comments and criticisms; I'm here to listen to you talk if you want to message me.
In whatever you do strive for greatness... please DON'T SETTLE!