Lately I've been wandering...

Apr 12, 2006 15:50

Yeah... it's been a while so I figured I'd update... even though nobody really reads this. *tear*
So... umm... let's see.

I have a pretty amazing boyfriend now *haha... brownie points if he reads this*. And yesterday was amazing... we went to see the Benchwarmers movie with Corie and Zane. (Actually a pretty good movie!) And we also went to the Dollar Tree, Wal-mart, out to eat, and to Shaver where we played football. Matt and I lost... totally my fault! GEEZ!!! haha... so I pretty much suck at sports. ;)

No Yale for Amanda... I never got upset about it, but I did get accepted at DUKE... my dream school growing up!!! *woot woot* I was excited... am excited... more about that further down.

Anyway... here's a blog from my myspace to update my loyal readers...

Okay... so it has been a busy past few days. And I know you want to hear all about it... okay.. so humor me at least....

PROM was Saturday. *ooo* After making a last minute dress change... (haha... a little bold but who was I trying to impress???) I got ready on Saturday. *ooo aah* Yeah... so Alyson, Brooke, Laura, Kyle, John, and myself ate at the Olive Garden. It was really fun to hang out with mi amigos and all. Prom was itself okay... an excuse to dress up and take pictures. The DJ could have decided to play a little something other than repetitive rap songs... don't get me wrong I do actually listen to rap believe it or not... but seriously... would it kill you to play a little something else every now and then!?!?! Haha... but I got some good pics and got to hang out with my newer friends and my old school friends from middle school. Afterwards we had a blast at Steph's house until Kyle and I left about 3 in the morning. (I GOT TO MEET CODY!!! *ooo* haha... Oh Steph! Your lovely Citadel boy!)

So I finally made it home around 3 and got to sleep until I had to get up early for the first service at church. After we ate lunch we headed off to Durham. We ate at this amazing restaurant... just a little Italian place... Sunday night. But the food was amazing... and I have to give props to the waitress. Yeah... the kind that I would give a $100 tip to if I had (1) had $100 and (2) wasn't going to be in debt after starting school next year (donations and scholarships will still be accepted!!!)

But yeah... Blue Devil Day was AMAZING. haha... much better than Clemson's reception (amanda, tyler, and john know!) AND the president of the university spoke. IN PERSON!!! Yeah... if Duke can do it I'm pretty sure that Clemson can. Okay.. yes, yes... Clemson is a good school. But seriously ' the president is so involved, etc. let's welcome him... go video screen.. small video screen in the corner to be precise'.

Oh well... but I definitely was impressed and think I'm headed there next year. I don't know... I have until the 1st to make a decision. I met this guy named Cory who took the same shuttle from our hotel and ended up talking to him a little bit... and he has until April 15th to decide about going to U. of Chicago or not. Geez... talk about crunch time! But I think being on campus again made me turn back to why I love Duke. Desicions. *sigh* I have definitely been running on little sleep but I want to decide soon.

So I went to the dentist today. *Geez... thanks Ma!* Spring break at that!! It was just a prelim. exam bc I'm a new patient. I get to go back in May for a routine cleaning. AND THEN... *drumroll* I get to have my flippin' wisdom teeth cut out. Yes sir! My 4 wisdom teeth that are most definitely going to have to be cut out... and I'm pretty sure it is going to hurt just a little.
Joy of all joys!

Anyway... that's what I've been

What I haven't been doing...
1. Senior project!!!!
3. sleeping
4. taking a break... since it is spring break and all.
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