Title: Brothers and Boyfriends (In No Particular Order)
CaseyBenSullivan @ Dreamwidth, aka
so_many_fandoms @ LJ
Pairing: Mikey/Ray
Rating: PG-13 for boner-related thoughts
POV: Mikey
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys of MCR. No profit is being made from this piece of fiction. This is purely for enjoyment and not intended to represent real life.
Summary: Mikey's sick of his brother stealing his best friend for makeout sessions. But maybe, just maybe, it will give him a chance to get to know his brother's friend Ray a little better. High school AU.
Author's Notes: For
cee_m, whose bid won second place for my fic on her very own
Fandom Helps Charity Auction community. Cee_m gave me a lot of ideas to brainstorm over, including awkward high school Mikey/Ray. I started out trying to write this to fit a fake boyfriends prompt, but it turned into something else. Enjoy!
Brothers and Boyfriends (In No Particular Order) Also posted at:
allmikeyray on LJ
better-mcrslash on LJ
damnyouways on LJ
slashypunkboys on LJ
In the moderation queue at:
mychemicalslash on LJ
toro_thighs on LJ
Unfortunately, I was unable to find any recently-updated MCR slash or MCR fic communities on Dreamwidth. If you know of any, please let me know.
This entry was originally posted at
http://caseybensullivan.dreamwidth.org/5129.html. Please comment there using OpenID.