Pepe: "So many bfs ......."
Pepe: "C'mon I mean who do I choose ??" *Iker has spotted Miguelito*
Arby does his special jump.... Sergio does an even more special jump !!
Gangsta!dork .... oh who is that making a special guest apperance ;)
*uff really *hic* shouldn't *hic* had that cola at have time, made me *hic* go a bit funny"
Then the cola made him hyperactive, Xabi caught him !! Miguel: "I miss Iker *sigh*"
Because you can't have one without the other ;)
Gonzalo group hug, although after seeing Gonzalo's face am now wondering what Pepe is doing :s
Gago .... just because, wonder who he was sat next to on the bench ??
*If your going to steal these pictures, CREDIT PLEASE to the Comm*