Aug 20, 2004 15:34
w0w i havnt wr0te in a L0ng tiime .. L0L s0rry Kirsten! she came up t0 me t0day saying "ASHLEY iM VERY DiSAPP0iNTED iN Y0U i L0OK AT Y0UR J0URNAL EVERYDAY ND Y0U NEVER UPDATE" l0l i feLt s0o L0ved.. buh yeah i d0nt remember what i did Last week up untiL friday s0o iLL start there
friday -|> ii went t0o my babiiesz buh i was 0nLii there f0r Liike mm 3 h0urs buh whiLe i was there we watched the princess diaries nd amanada caLLed s0o he caLled her back fr0m my ceLL f0ne s0o i was kissing him nd hez Like "amanda she`LL caLL y0u back Later shes raping me" l0l it was funny then i t0Ld him t0o make him p0pc0rn buh he made his m0m d0 it - s0o i had p0pc0rn f0r dinner nd ice cream cake f0r dessert [fr0m his birthday] then at Liike 10 30 mii m0mmy picked me up nd yeah i went h0me
saturday -|> i d0nt remember what i did l0l - pr0babLy n0thing - 0o waiit i remember!! - 0kay i w0ke up nd then was in my r0om then my m0m said her nd my dad were g0ing t0o macys s0o i went with them t0o the fashi0n maLL i g0t 2 pairs 0f capris [baby blue nd pink] nd a purse [pink x0x0] then i caLLed my babii nd he said he was 0ut with his m0mmy getting a p0oL tabLe s0o i said 0kay caLL me back - s0o he caLled me back when i was with my rentz at L0wes s0o yeah i was taLkin t0o him then he hung up nd then he went t0o the f0otbaLL game nd i went 0ut t0o dinner with my parents at steak n shake went h0me went 0nLine w|e l0l
sunday -|> i went t0o 0ffice dep0t then the gr0cery st0re with my m0m then we went t0o the gr0cery st0re - then we picked up justine nd where did we g0o ? tha maLLi0o buh c0raL square nd we saw samantha there 0mg i Liike tackled her l0l - i wasnt in the sh0pping m0od s0o i didnt get ne thing my m0m g0t stuff nd justine g0t a back pack =0] l0l.. then i caLLed andrew t0o find 0ut what sch0oL his sisters b0yfriend went t0o bc dumb 0Ld me f0rg0t l0l then yeah das b0ut it
m0nday - thursday -|> ahhh the first day 0f sch0oL! it sucked theres waii t0o much pe0pLe at piper! buh my first bL0ck has me stine k0LLeen matt n Leana s0o thats funn - then my 2nd bL0ck 0mg itz the best its fashi0n pr0ducti0n nd tha teacher is s0o awes0me she seLLs candy nd itz juss Liike a free h0ur l0l buh theres 0nLii 2 freshmen in tha cLass - Lunch i have it with Liike every0ne l0l - 3rd bL0ck is heaLth nd i d0nt realLy taLk 2 ne 0ne in that cLass - 4th bL0ck is ge0metry nd i d0nt have ne friends bsides kerry in there nd kerrys a g0od girL s0o she d0esnt taLk l0l buh thatsz 0kay nd theres 0nLii 2 freshmen in there t0o - l0l .... the 2nd day wasnt all that speciaL i juss started t0o Liike it a LiL better l0l buh yeah the 0nliie time i ever see andrew is Liike in Lunch nd d0es he even taLk 2 me there n0 i feeL negLected buh than again he spent his wh0le summer with me s0o itz juss w|e .... the 3rd day i actuaLLy g0t a kiss fr0m andrew l0l it was c0oL in Lunch i waLk ar0und with samanthaa nd yeah sch0oL wasnt aLL that different - the 4th day wasnt different either itz juss w|e buh the best part 0f sch0oL is that i see aL0t 0f pe0pLe Liike Kirsten, dayna, andrew, justine, k0lleen, samantha, leana, brittany, matt nd Liike s0o mani 0ther 0f my friends i L0ve it!
t0day -|> they switched my wh0Le first bL0ck t0o an0ther r0om buh itsz str8. the teacher reminds me 0f mr m0she th0ugh l0l - nd 2nd bL0ck we t0ok a pre test nd we had t0o sew s0mething nd she said we had the wh0Le h0ur s0o i juss sewed a <3 a 0n a piece 0f feLt since thatz reaLly aLl we had l0l nd 0mg Lunch was awes0me 0nLii bc i waLked ar0und with andrew f0r 0nce - juss me nd him - nd it was great l0l - than 3rd bL0ck fuckin sucked bc my teacher said n0 bathr0om buh i had t0o pee s0o bad nd she styL w0uLdnt Let me g0o nd im Like itz an emergency nd she g0es h0Ld it s0o Liike with 4 minutes Left in cLass i feLt Liike i was g0ing 2 expL0de nd i was crying bc it was burning nd shiit s0o i was Liike ima pee my pants nd shes s0o rude shes Liikke "d0nt cry t0o me" nd then she was saying s0mething buh i juss waLked 0ut i had t0o peeeeeee l0l s0o wen i g0t back t0o cLass the beLL rang nd tiffany gave me my back pack nd i didnt taLk 2 tha stupid teacher l0l - 4th bL0ck we t0ok a test h0w gay l0l buh its 0kay i didnt kn0w 4 questi0ns buh thatz aLL g0od nd yesturday this kid was tryin t0o guess pe0pLes names nd he g0es y0u Lo0k Liike an ashLey t0o me nd im Like yuh das my name 0mg he was s0o amazed when i waLk in the r0om he screams my name hahaha
ne waiisz ima g0o i wr0te t0o much f0r my L0ve kirsten l0l - c0mment =0] - nd tara i miss taLkin t0o y0u everyyy dayyy!!