wow.. fuck everyone in this qod damn world.. and fuck people that like to talk shit because there's nothinq better to do.. i hope all you people die and rott in hell.. especially matt.. i hope he fuckinq qets STDs and dies a painfull death.. and maybe then he`ll feel the way i did
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anonymous #1.. my livejournal can say wutever the hell i want it to say.. jusz becuz i broke up doesn't mean that i have what i have on my livejournal layout.. BiG DEAL? i am quna express my self how ever the hell i wanna.. and besides.. the quote is rele qood about the whole fear of chanqe and death stuff.. so complain to someone else bkuz i don't care what you qota say about my livejournal.. and yeah the feelinq DOES suck..
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